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Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 a.c. bhaktivedanta swami |
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![]() 15 January 2005 Wednesday, January 15, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. My Dear Rupanuga, Please accept my blessings. I was very much anxious to receive your letter since I did not hear from you for a long period. But I always know that you are doing your duty nicely. Recently, Hayagriva came from Columbus, and he remained with me for more than a fortnight. He was assisting me in editing Srimad-Bhagavatam. Now he is married with Syama Dasi and has returned to New Vrindaban with his many responsibilities. I am glad to learn that you have been helping this boy, Kenneth, and he is now eager to be initiated. So, as recommended by you, I have agreed to initiate him and call him Kanupriya das Brahmacari. Please take care of him and give him impetus to rise more and more in Krishna Consciousness. Regarding the draft problem, I am enclosing a certificate which I have issued to many students, and I think that this will be effective. Within a few days we will have prepared official certificates for both you and Kanupriya which will certify that you are duly initiated disciples of this Krishna Consciousness movement. Please try to introduce the reading of the Bhagavad-gita As It Is in your university where you shall be teaching. I understand that some rubbish commentaries upon Bhagavad-gita are allowed to be studied in every university, so if you can replace our Bhagavad-gita As It Is it will be a great advancement for our missionary activities, and people will thereby be benefited. Please convey my blessings to all others in Buffalo temple. I hope this finds you in very good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 09:45 | January 15, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. My Dear Syamasundara. Prabhu, Please accept my humble dandabats. I understand from a letter of Upendra Brahmacari in Seattle that you have inquired about me from him after your return from Vrindaban. I welcome your suggestion to open a branch of our Iskcon society in Bombay, and you want to help me in this connection. There are two of my disciples in Vrindaban. I do not know if you met them while you were there, and I am awaiting for their letters because one of them was recently advised to go to our German center in Hamburg. Please, therefore, let me know of your suggestions how to open a branch of our Iskcon society in Bombay. If it is possible to get a place free of charge for holding kirtana and discussing on the Bhagavad-gita in some quarter where there are mostly English-speaking people, that will be very much convenient. So if you can find out some suitable place for holding English classes along with short kirtanas please let me know immediately. While expecting your good suggestions of what to do in this matter I am also thinking of it and will let you know in my next letter. I understand that Sripada Prabhupada das Brahmacari is in correspondence with Upendra das Brahmacari in Seattle. May I know who is this brahmacari? If we open a branch in Bombay is he willing to join us there? But I am sure some of the brahmacaris from various centers in India will join us if we open a branch in Bombay. Regarding the mrdangas, certainly you have already given me some quotations but it is better to take fresh quotations in your next letter. It is understood that your books are already received in New York, and Brahmananda das Brahmacari is in charge. I shall advise him to send you the money soon. Do you think the money order should be sent to your present address? Upon hearing from you I shall do the needful in this matter of sending the money to you. I hope this finds you in good health. Yours affectionately, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 08:43 | January 15, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. My Dear Sripada Sraman Maharaja, Please accept my humble dandabats. I thank you very much for your kind letter dated December 31, 1968, I am so much grieved to learn the news of our revered god-brother, Swami Bhakti Sadhak Niskincana Maharaja, and I am so glad to learn that he passed away in full sense chanting "Krishna, Krishna". This is a glorious death. As it is said in the Srimad-Bhagavatam; Ante Narayana Smriti--this is the successful termination of our material existence. We do not know what will happen to us, but there is a Bengali proverb that everything will be tested at the time of death. So it is glorious for Swami Niskincana Maharaja that he has so gloriously passed away. I see that Sripada Bon Maharaja was present at that time but I do not see any mention of Sripada Tirtha Maharaja's name. Anyway, we have already held a condolence meeting on this occasion in our Los Angeles temple in the presence of about 100 devotees, and we passed a resolution of our aggrievement which will be duly published in our next issue of Back To Godhead. As desired by you your name has been registerd on our mailing list and Back To Godhead will be duly mailed to you. In our resolution we have mentioned about Swami Niskincana Maharaja's contribution both in English, Sanskrit, Hindi and Bengali, and everyone has appreciated this. You will be glad to know that our London center is working for the last 5 months, and by the Grace of Srila Prabhupada, some English man there has agreed to donate a house for our temple there which is worth not less than Rs 800,000. The preaching work in other parts of our activities are going on, especially in Los Angeles, New York, Montreal, Boston, London and Hamburg. We have an invitation from Guyana, So. America, as well as from Hawaii where we have already got our own temple. Back To Godhead is being published both in English and French language and very soon He will appear in the German language. Our disciples in Hamburg are proposing to purchase a printing machine, and they have sent me the news for my approval. So by the Grace of Srila Prabhupada Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, His mission in this part of the world is progressing slowly but surely. Your previous letter was duly received by me and was replied to by me, and I hope you have by this time received the same. In both of your letters you have mentioned about grand preparations being made for the celebration of Golden Jubilee for Sri Caitanya Math from 7 February through 6 March. Prior to your information, our god-brother, Y. Jagannathan also informed me about this impending ceremony. But so far as I concerned, I have received no official information from Sripada Tirtha Maharaja. I do not know why. If it is thought however that my preaching work in this part of the world is not connected with Sri Caitanya Math, I do not think this is correct because I was authorized to do this work by Srila Prabhupada, and I am trying to do my humble bit. [TEXT MISSING] letters | 08:09 | January 15, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. Madam Sumati Morarji Baisaheba, Please accept my greetings. I hope everything is going well with you. You will be pleased to know that this year two of my books have been published. They are as follows: (1) The Bhagavad-gita As It Is Published by MacMillan Company of New York and London (2) Teachings of Lord Caitanya Published by International Society for Krishna Consciousness The first book is already received in stock, and the second is expected next month. I have the greatest pleasure to present to you the first one sending by separate air mail, and I shall be glad to hear from you how you like it. Yours in the service of the Lord, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 07:07 | January 15, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. My Dear Krishna Das, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated January 8, 1969, and I have noted the contents carefully. The statue which you have received is not Visnu Murti. Visnu Murti is never to be found in fighting spirit with anyone. When the Lord incarnates within this material world, He does not come in Visnu Murti. Lord Nrsimhadeva although Visnu Himself, fighting with the demon Hiranyakasipu, although He is Krishna, He is different from Visnu Murti. So I think that the Murti which you have got is not Visnu Murti, but it appears to be a Murti of Lord Siva. Anyway, this Murti is not worshipable by us. In our temple we shall always worship Radha Krishna Murti or Lord Jagannatha. If possible, you can sell this Murti to some antique store and get some profit. Regarding the press, it is a very good engagement provided you can work properly on it. But if you purchase such press and there is nobody to work it, it will lie down idle, and that is not good. So if you are serious about working on a press, I advise you to do it immediately. Otherwise you should not waste your time. Regarding Jaya Govinda, settle up with him by correspondence. I think that if you send him passage money he will bring in exchange some goods from India. That is not a bad proposal because an exchange is not robbery. Regarding Sivananda, I am glad that he is doing nicely and improving in health. I am sending him herewith one note. I am glad that you have already ordered Bhagavad-gita copies from Brahmananda. Please try to introduce our books and literature as far as possible. Please write to me at least once in a week to inform me about your activities. I hope you will keep in touch with the news from London. They are very encouraging and hopeful. I hope this finds you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 06:40 | January 15, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. My Dear Jadurani, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated January 6, 1969, and I have noted with pleasure that you are almost done with the first five Krishna pictures which I have suggested to you. I think that you may immediately send these pictures to me in Los Angeles. So far as photographing these pictures for the book, I think that it is essential that these pictures be with bright attractive colors, so please do them in this way. I am enclosing herewith the instructions for the next four paintings. 1. Nanda Maharaja (an old man of not less than 50 years) is observing celebration. Many cowherd boys are coming with milk and curd on a balancing stick on their backs (see enclosed picture). Nanda Maharaja, who is the chief amongst the cowherd men, is giving them presentations of cloth, ornaments, fruits, etc., and there is feasting going on. Some of them are enjoying by throwing butter upon their friend's bodies. 2. The demonic Putana Witch has come to Yasoda looking just like a very nice young woman, and congratulating Yasoda for her beautiful child. She said to Yasoda "You have such nice baby, kindly let me hold Him." Yasoda was very simple and allowed this, but when Krishna sucked the witch's breast the demon showed her true gigantic form which was actually miles long and she died. In the picture, Krishna is playing on the breast of this gigantic dead demon. 3. Krishna was lying underneath a cart which was actually a demon who had taken the shape of a cart so Krishna would not suspect danger. Krishna was lying underneath the cart, but then He kicked it while playing, and a great giant came out and died. 4. One asura Trinavarta whirlwind took Baby Krishna into the sky and was fighting with Him. The idea was to take Krishna into the sky and drop Him. But once in the sky, Krishna fought with the whirlwind, and the demon fell down dead while Krishna was lying happily on the ground. Yasoda was praying in thanks that "God has saved my Boy." Regarding your question about placing an effulgence around Krishna's head in all of these pictures, yes this should be done. I hope to be receiving the previous paintings you have done soon. Kindly convey my blessings to all others at Boston temple. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 05:37 | January 15, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. My Dear Kanupriya das Brahmacari, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter of January 9, 1969, and I am pleased to send herewith your beads duly chanted upon by me. Your spiritual name is Kanupriya das Brahmacari. Kanu means Krishna, and priya means dear, so Kanupriya means one who is very dear to Krishna. I am so pleased to learn that you have been already receiving some training up from Rupanuga and you are assisting the temple activities along with the others. It is very gratifying to know this, and please continue in this way. Also, you must be certain to chant 16 rounds per day upon your beads. Regarding other yoga exercises, if you take Krishna prasadam you shall keep your body automatically fit for working, so there is no need of extra exercises which are required by persons who may eat more than what is required. So for prosecuting Krishna Consciousness one should not eat more than what is needed. One should not endeavor beyond his capacity. One should not talk unnecessarily. One should not stick with some extra regulative principles, nor should one associate with persons who are not in Krishna Consciousness. One should not be too much greedy. What one should do is chant the Holy Name of the Lord with faith, enthusiasm, and firm conviction on the statement of Lord Caitanya that simply by chanting the Maha Mantra one can be gradually elevated to the highest platform of spiritual perfection. Also what is important is to follow the four regulative principles of avoiding all illicit sexual connections, meat-eating, intoxication and gambling. I am sure that Rupanuga will ably guide you in these matters. Try to help in our Krishna Consciousness activities, and whenever you feel the necessity of my help you are welcome to address me in letter. Read Bhagavad-gita As It Is very carefully, and we are going to hold an examination next year in January upon this book. I hope that you will be enough expert in this Krishna Consciousness science to pass the examination and be awarded with the title of "Bhakti-sastri", one who knows the principles of devotional service. So think over these matters discussed herein very carefully, and Krishna will help you in all respects. I hope this meets you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 04:33 | January 15, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. My Dear Dhindro and Vanalata Mullick, Please accept my blessings. I hope by this time you have safely reached your home and everything is going well. When you were here I requested you to connect with me some of your tenants at Natoon Bazar selling brass utensils. I want many pairs of Navadvipa-made karatalas, so please introduce to me some of your very reliable tenants, and I shall send you the money for purchase. The supplier should pack it nicely in a gunny bag. We have got our own shipping agents: Msgrs United Shipping Corporation, 14.2 Old China Bazar Street, Room #18, Calcutta-1), and they will take care of the shipping. I have already shown you samples of karatalas while you were sitting in my room, and I hope you will help me in this connection. I do not know if you were able to visit our Hawaii, Honolulu temple. Perhaps you were unable. Anyway, I shall be glad to hear from you about your pleasant journey from Los Angeles to Calcutta by Japan. You will be pleased to know that in London, one rich English boy has agreed to donate a house which is worth Rs 800,000 for our temple there. At present, our devotees there are in a rented house, but I think by the next month it will be possible to sit in our own London temple. In this temple I wish to install Radha-Krishna murtis, and if you so desire, you can donate a pair of murtis for installation in London temple. That will be very much glorified for your great forefather, the late Rajairajendra Mullick. Very much appreciated would be a pair of murtis of the size and gesture as Sri Sri Radha-Govindaji of late Kashinath Mullick's temple. Another request to you is that because you have so kindly come to see me it is my duty to instruct you about your spiritual advancement of life. Both of you are so fortunate to become the servitors of Sri Sri Jagannatha Deva, installed by your forefathers. The best thing will be to increase your affection for these Jagannatha Devas, and as such, you should not eat anything which is not offered to Jagannatha. In other words, you should take only the prasadam of Jagannatha Deva. This practice will so much help you in your spiritual life. This facility you have got in this life should not be missed. That is my request to both of you. I hope this will meet you in good health. I am awaiting your early reply. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 03:30 | 13 January 2005 Monday, January 13, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. My Dear Madhavi Lata, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your recent letter (undated) and I have noted the contents. You have tried to explain the reasons for your recent traveling excursions, but there is no need to explain; the reason is that you are restless. I wanted you to concentrate your mind on painting and utilizing your talents for Krishna's service, but you do not hear me. Any place that you want to live, that is all right, but why don't you use your talents? That you cannot do, and it is your misfortune. Here are listed some suggestions for you to begin making beautiful paintings with. If you can prosecute all five of these suggestions without wasting your valuable time it will be very satisfactory. 1. Pregnant Devaki is sitting in a palace room and some glaring effulgence is coming out of her body. Almost near the ceiling of the room, the demigods are surrounding her and praying for the Appearance of Lord Krishna. Some of the demigods are throwing flowers upon her. 2. Devaki is sitting in a different palace room and Visnu, with His four hands (conch, club, wheel, lotus), in yellow dress appeared before here. In this scene, Devaki and Vasudeva are bowing down to Lord Visnu and praying. 3. Krishna is lying happily on the lap of Devaki just like He is an ordinary child. 4. Setting the scene: Vasudeva saw that all of the doors were opened and that the gate-keepers were asleep, so he went outside of the house and came to the bank of the Yamuna. He saw that the river was inflated with rainy season water and he thought, "How shall I cross?" Then he saw a jackal crossing the river and Vasudeva realized that the river was shallow and only up to his ankles. So Vasudeva, holding Little Krishna in his arms, follows the jackal across the Yamuna River. This night scene of walking across the river and following the jackal is the fourth picture. 5. Across the Yamuna River, Vasudeva came upon the house of Nanda Maharaja, where Yasoda was lying asleep with her little girl baby. The fifth picture is of Vasudeva exchanging babies with the sleeping Yasoda. So when I return to New York, probably sometimes in April, I will be pleased to see these pictures nicely painted. When you have finished with this assignment, please inform me so that I may assign you further. Hope that this finds you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 05:01 | January 13, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. Dear Mrs. Hochner, Please accept my New Year's greetings. I am so pleased to accept your token of good will and the sounding Haribol with needlework. This cloth is so nice that I have hung it in my room in front of me so that I can see Haribol and remember you always. Your are very fortunate lady to have such nice daughters like Balai and Lilasukha. Balai is very happy with her husband, Advaita, and all of my students who are married couples are doing very nicely and living very happily. Six boys and girls who were married under my superintendence are now working in London, and they are making very hopeful adventures. Here in Los Angeles also there is one married couple, Dayananda and Nandarani, and they also are doing very nicely in improving the temple here. Your son-in-law, Advaita das, is being trained up to take charge of our press. Your daughter is a first class typist, so in this way all are fully cooperating with me, and I am happy in your country. My endeavors might be sincere, but without their cooperation I could not have executed my mission so quickly. I thank you once more for your becoming the mother of two devotee girls. Your ever well-wisher, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 03:59 | 12 January 2005 Sunday, January 12, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. My Dear Kirtanananda, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 31, 1968, and I thank you for your good wishes for the new year. Please accept the same from my side. So far as we are concerned, our new year is every day because Krishna belongs to the nitya lila. Nitya lila means that all of His Pastimes are going on in either of the so many universes. It is just like the rising of the sun. In your country the sun is supposed to rise at 6:30 at the present moment, but at any time you can inquire in some part of the world and there it is the same 6:30 and sunrise. While you are in this meridian, in another country it may be 6:30 AM, and the sun is rising. So you have now taken charge of the sunrise of New Vrindaban. Our program is there for constructing seven temples. One Rupanuga Vidyapitha--that is a school for educating brahmanas and Vaisnavas. We have enough of technological and other types of educational institutions, but perhaps there is none where actual brahmanas and Vaisnavas are produced. So we will have to establish an educational institution for that purpose. A first examination will be held sometimes next January on Bhagavad-gita As It Is, and those passing will have the degree of Bhakti-sastri. Next year we will hold an examination on Srimad-Bhagavatam, and the person who passes will have the title Bhakti-vaibhava. And the next year we shall hold an examination on Teachings of Lord Caitanya, Nectar of Devotion and Vedanta Sutra, and those who will successfully pass will be awarded with the title of Bhaktivedanta. By 1975, all of those who have passed all of the above examinations will be specifically empowered to initiate and increase the number of the Krishna Consciousness population. Another important scheme is to start a nice press next spring. So these duties are there in New Vrindaban, and we shall have to live there self independently, simply by raising cows, grains, fruits, and flowers. I have already explained these things to Hayagriva, and he is now married and a responsible grhastha. You are of course sannyasa. Your duties will be more to preach and supervise the activities there. But do everything jointly. Many grhasthas and brahmacaris will join you for full cooperation. Some of them have already prepared to go there immediately, and perhaps you have received some letters about this. So everything appears very bright in the future. We have to deal with things very sagaciously and success will surely be there. The immediate necessity is to construct some simple cottages for living purposes, and then everything will gradually come out, one after another. I hope that you are already in touch with Hayagriva, and he must have spoken to you about these ideas. May Krishna bless you with long life in executing the idea of our New Vrindaban scheme. Thanking you once more. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 03:30 | 11 January 2005 Saturday, January 11, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. My Dear Syamasundara., Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter of January 7, 1969, and before this I had also received your letter of January 2, 1969, and have noted the contents with great encouragement. Although nothing is settled as of yet, I can understand that things are progressing well and as you write in your letter under reply, the meeting was very successful, and we shall soon be able to have a nice temple in London. Today I received letters from Guru das and Mukunda, and it is understood that Mr. George Harrison is arranging for a first class temple, better than the one to be had on Baker Street. In the meantime I have received a letter from Petamber Dindayal in Guyana, and he has invited me to go there. There is an invitation to go to Hawaii also, but above all I am very much anxious to see a London temple established first. So please let me know by return mail if there is an immediate chance of my going to London. Then I shall make my program in that way. I do not mind any climatic condition there; I am quite fit, and whenever required, I am prepared to go there. You have mentioned a very encouraging invitation that my visit there will be the biggest event in London since the time of the Roman Invasion. Actually this will be so. This time there is no question of invasion, but this time, if England is prepared, they will receive something sublime which they cannot produce in their country, neither in Manchester, Glasgow, nor Edinburgh. As I stated in my last letter to you that London is still a leading city of the world, and if Mr. George Harrison cooperates with us, certainly we shall be able to deliver something sublime to the world by joint endeavor. I am so glad that Mr. Harrison is composing songs like "Lord which we so long ignored". He is very thoughtful. When we actually meet, I shall be able to give him thoughts about separation from Krishna, and they will be able to compose very attractive songs for public receptions. The public is in need of such songs, and if they are administered through nice agents like the Beatles, it will surely be a great success. In your previous letter you advised me that Mr. Harrison has desired to have me live in the house which they are counting to give us because he has many questions to ask me. I am very much pleased to meet persons who put sincere questions in the matter of Krishna Consciousness. So it will be a great event if the Beatles try to understand this science of Krishna Consciousness with intelligent questions and try to understand it seriously. Anyway, I am expecting your next letter wherein you will mention "at last, at last", as you had mentioned in your letter dated January 2, 1969. Please convey my hearty blessings to the others there with you. I hope this finds you all in very good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 05:08 | January 11, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. My Dear Gargamuni, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter of January 1, 1969 and it is very gratifying to know that Krishna has again engaged you in your own business. When you went to your father sometimes I was thinking whether I have not spoiled the career of this boy, but still I wanted to give your father a chance so he would not think that two of his boys are lost in the Krishna Consciousness movement. So it was Krishna's dictation that you went to your father for full cooperation, but he did not respond. Now you are free. I think that the talent which you have got for doing business will help our cause more than what you could have done at the custody of your father. So I am very glad that now you have a nice store in the new temple and that things are going on fittingly. I have got a report from Purusottama that his mother has seen your store and has very much appreciated it. Your presence was very badly needed at the temple to help your brother because Purusottama is here with me, so always do your best for the service of the Lord and be happy. So far as your selling incense is concerned, you may be interested to know that I have got connection with one big firm in Bangalore. (The firm is Sri Saibaba Perfumery Works, No. 40, 1st Cross, VI Main Road, Chamarajapet, BANGALORE-18, INDIA.) I have asked this party to send me samples and quotations, and we shall see whether they are favorable to others. It is very encouraging to note that you are receiving nice appreciations for the Bhagavad-gita As It Is, and I have seen the two reviews which were sent by Brahmananda. They also appear to be nice, although one is not very favorable. However, this unfavorable review also proclaims that our Bhagavad-gita is distinct from all others. This point we want to advertise. Thank you very much for the sandalwood and sweetpea oils that you have sent me. I was just thinking of these oils because my stock was just finished, and Krishna has sent it just in time through you. Please ask Brahmananda to send to me a list of the Gaudiya Math books which will be arriving in February, so I will then direct as to what shall be done with these books so far as distribution. Also, please keep me posted as to the progress with Dai Nippon. I am enclosing a typed copy of lecture which I recorded and which was played in London on January 4th during a very successful meeting they were holding there with many important guests. Please hand over this enclosed copy to Rayarama to be printed in Back To Godhead. I am also enclosing a resolution announcing the passing away of one of my god-brothers and which also should be printed in Back To Godhead. Please convey my blessings to the other devotees. I hope that you are all well. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami NB: Please convey my appreciation to Patita Uddharana for his nice letter of January 1, 1969, and for his poem which he has sent to me via Rayarama. I have very much appreciated his poetic skills which he has shown in writing this poem, and thus I have requested Rayarama to print it in Back To Godhead as soon as possible. Encourage Patita Uddharana to compose more of such poetries. He is a good boy, and I am pleased that he is doing so nicely. letters | 03:05 | 10 January 2005 Friday, January 10, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. My Dear Hamsaduta, Please accept my blessings. I have received one letter from Mr. and Mrs. Levine who I suppose are living in the same building where you are living. It is understood from their letters that they are eager to be initiated. If they are prepared to follow the rules and regulations I think that they can be initiated by mail. So if you recommend you can ask them to send their beads and I shall initiate them. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami P.S. I have replied their letter letters | 05:46 | January 10, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. Dear Mrs. Levine, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your nice letter of January 5, 1969, along with your husband's note. Please offer my thanks to him. Regarding your initiation, I do not know whether your husband is also willing to be initiated with you. This first initiation can be performed by mailing your beads, but if conveniently you can come to see me with your husband, that would be very nice. I am so glad to know that you have become so interested in Krishna Consciousness, and it is pleasing to note that you are hearing from Hamsaduta and Himavati. They are an ideal pair amongst my disciples. There are many pairs like them and all of them, husbands and wives together, are engaged in the transcendental service of the Lord. Similarly, if I find you and your husband engaged in that way it will be a great pleasure for me. I have come to your country for preaching this Krishna Consciousness movement, and the younger generation especially is now cooperating with me. Similarly your cooperation will be very welcome. Regarding the land available, this is a very good suggestion, and if it is engaged in Krishna's service that will be a great opportunity for you. We believe that every plot of land belongs to Krishna. The sooner it is engaged in the service of Krishna the better it is for the temporary owner. We come to this material world empty-handed and go away empty-handed. The things which we possess during our duration of life are first achieved and then let out along with all of our other temporary possessions. Therefore the best use of possessions during our lifetime is to dedicate it to the service of the Lord. The success of human life is considered when one fully surrenders his life, his wealth, his intelligence and his words for the benefit of the Lord. Thank you once more for your letters. I hope that you and your husband are both well. Your ever well-wisher, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 04:42 | 9 January 2005 Thursday, January 9, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. My Dear Brahmananda, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated January 4, 1969, and I have carefully noted the contents. One thing that I beg to bring to your notice about the printing of my books. In 1954, I left my home, and for 5 years I lived as Vanaprastha here and there, and then in 1959 I took sannyasa. Of course even when I was a householder I was publishing Back To Godhead since 1947. But then my Spiritual Master dictated that I should take to writing books which will be a permanent affair. So after my acceptance of sannyasa I began working on Srimad-Bhagavatam and when the first canto was finished, with great difficulty I published the first volume in 1962, after leaving my home and after taking sannyasa and spending whatever cash money I had with me during the five years of my staying alone. Practically in 1960 I was penniless. Therefore I had to quickly take to publication of the first volume and after this I got some money just enough to pull on. In this way I published the 2nd volume in 1963 and the 3rd volume in 1965. Then I began to think of coming to your country, and somehow or other I was brought here. Now since I have come I am unable to publish the 4th volume of Srimad-Bhagavatam, but with your help and assistance, since 1965 this one book only has been published, and I do not know what this Dai Nippon Company is doing. Anyway, I am very much anxious for getting my books published. The manuscripts which I presently have may be converted into eight different books of the same size which I generally publish, (400 pages). But I do not know how I will get them published. Last year when I was in India, I thought that Acyutananda would publish them in India but this boy could not help me in the least. The net result is that I have lost my typewriter, and Rs 2000 are now in the dark well of Hitsaran. Acyutananda was sent about Rs 1000 plus he has collected a similar amount from the Dalmia Trust Fund. All of this has been lost for nothing. Whatever is done is done. I am now very much serious about printing my books. There may be three sources for their printing. One source is that if the MacMillan Company is interested to publish my books that will be a great relief. I do not mind for the profit concerned. But I want to see them published. Another source is if MacMillan isn't interested, we can get them printed from Dai Nippon, but the delaying procedure of this company in Japan is not very encouraging. Therefore the next step would be to start our own press at New Vrindaban, because Hayagriva is ready to start a press there immediately, taking responsibility for the investment. He has told me that he could take a loan from his friend, Dr. Henderson. In this connection of purchasing a press I sent a list to be filled by the press men of New York telling of the prices of printing machines but there is no response. So I ask you what to do in this connection. Ultimately, if nothing is done, I shall be obliged to return to India for getting them published there. I hope that by now you have already deposited the $1,300 in First National City Bank. So far as the profits from the store, you may do with them as you like. The temple needs maintenance and improvements, and also the book fund requires much funds. I require to have eight books published and on the price of $6,000 which is charged by Dai Nippon, I will require about $50,000 immediately. Selling or not selling, I want to see these books published. That is my ambition. Regarding keeping my apartment, if you win the court case then keep this apartment until April when I shall arrive in New York, and then we shall decide whether or not to give it up. So far as placing the Radha-Krishna and Lord Jagannatha deities in special order to one another, there is no set ruling. Simply make the altar look very attractive. As for the address in India which I would like one copy of Teachings of Lord Caitanya to be sent, I shall send it after confirmation that the books are completed. I hope that you are well. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami P.S. So far United Shipping Corporation is concerned, please let me know if their previous accounts are cleared off nicely. If their dealings are alright you can order them regularly & may open letter of credit. ACB letters | 04:26 | January 9, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. My Dear Paramananda, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter of January 4, 1969 along with your note for Purusottama who is here now and will give you his note along with this letter. I understand that you are anxious to go to New Vrindaban. I think that it is Krishna's will that you shall go there and try to develop that nice land because there is so much potential there which can utilize your abilities in being developed. I hope that by now you have received a note from Hayagriva who was staying with me for more than a fortnight. He is now married with Syama Dasi and he has returned back to New Vrindaban. If Kirtanananda Maharaja welcomes you during the winter months there is no need of waiting for the springtime. I have no objections. The only question is if there is sufficient place to accommodate you during the winter season. Also be sure to consult with Hamsaduta to be sure that there will not be too great inconvenience in your leaving to New Vrindaban. I thank you very much for your growing spirit of K.C. and I pray to Krishna for your future progress in life. Please convey my blessings to the other devotees there. ACB letters | 03:20 | |
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