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Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 a.c. bhaktivedanta swami |
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![]() 5 August 2005 Tuesday, August 5, 1969 Los Angeles My Dear Yamuna, Please accept my blessings. I beg to thank you for your letters dated July 16th, 22nd and 27th, and I have noted all of the contents carefully. I have also received some photographs of your Rathayatra Day ceremony, sent to me by Sri Govinda. It appears to be very, very nice, and I am having these photographs reprinted together on one page so I may show the others how nicely you have done it. I have already told Gurudasa something of the glorious affair that was arranged here, and enclosed please find reprinted news articles from the San Francisco papers. I am pleased to learn that you now have Radha-Krishna Murtis given to you by Mataji Syamadevi. For the time being you should keep Them covered, and when I go there I shall install Them and teach you how to do everything nicely. In the meantime you should not tend these Deities, but a nice throne should be constructed in the same fashion as the picture which was sent to you recently. In Los Angeles temple they have constructed a beautiful throne, just on the measurements and colors as depicted on the picture sent to you, and it has come very successful. In the photographs sent by Sri Govinda I have seen the nice brahmacaris of our London Yatra. I hope that by now they have received their beads, duly chanted upon by me. Please offer my blessings to the others. I hope this will meet you all in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 07:22 | August 5, 1969 Los Angeles My Dear Krishna Das, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your two letters dated August 2nd, 1969, and I have noted the contents carefully. From these letters it appears that things are not yet settled up, and under the circumstances, there is no use of rushing the matter. Settle things up nicely, and when you get the money from Mukunda and the apartment, then arrange for the tickets, and we shall start. So far as I am concerned, I am free to start at any moment on your arrangement. But if you are financially pressed, there is no need to arrange things haphazardly. From your two letters it appears you may be a little bit confused. Do everything coolheadedly. When you send the tickets I shall go. Please offer my blessings to the others. I hope this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami P.S. It is very much interesting about Professor Bernhard. We want the help of such interested persons for our Krishna Consciousness Movement in Germany. If you meet again Professor Bernhard, you can talk with him that this Krishna Consciousness Movement is for understanding one God, one scripture, one mantra, and one engagement for all living entities, not only within this world, but throughout the whole universe. So far as sacred thread ceremony is concerned, Bhagavad-gita accepts that anyone, from any place, if he is a pure devotee of Lord Krishna, he is above the position of brahmana. When we meet together we shall discuss all these points very nicely. I am also very much anxious to see Professor Bernhard. You have asked me about my plans: My plan is for preaching with your help. You arrange for everything, and I shall talk about Krishna Consciousness for any length of time, anywhere. That is my mission. You propose to send a wire when everything is arranged. Better send the wire here in Los Angeles; that will be nice. ACB letters | 06:18 | August 5, 1969 Los Angeles My Dear Satsvarupa, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of both of your letters, one dated July 31, 1969 and the other August 2, 1969. The letter of August 2nd appears to be a practical proposal. The calculations for the house are nice. But everything should be done very carefully. If the landlord allows you to take possession of the house on payment of $12,000 on the terms and conditions as stated by you, then you must enter the house immediately, and we take it for granted it is Krishna's offer. As far as you having to pay $6,000 down payment by October, from your calculation it appears that you shall be able to pay it. So in that case, the money paid by Giriraja may be deposited in a separate bank account for this purpose. If things go on according to your calculation, this opportunity must be taken; but I am always afraid of persons like Mr. Payne. You know the incident in New York how the real estate man, Payne, entrapped us by $6,000. I think Giriraja's father is a lawyer, so he can help you in this connection, or any other lawyer friend. So if things are done very carefully, this scheme is approved by me. If they will give you immediate occupation of the house, and if there are no other tenants there, then it is all right. But if there are tenants, it will be botheration. We cannot deal with tenants, so if they are there, you may not accept it. But if the house is occupied by ourselves only, then it is all right. I think Giriraja is a very intelligent boy, so do everything carefully, and let me know the result. If this house can be occupied as our own, then the press department may be established in Boston immediately. If I go to New York on my way to Europe, then most probably I will stop at Boston also to see the new house. So do everything very carefully, and I shall await your further report in this connection. Please offer my blessings to the others. I hope this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami P.S. I have also received another letter by Special delivery. So everything is Krishna's Grace. Take the risk for Krishna but do everything very diligently. I sanction it. letters | 04:14 | August 5, 1969 Los Angeles Dear Sri K.L. Goswami, Replying your letter of July 23rd, 1969, I beg to enclose herewith some newspaper cuttings for your information how we have performed Rathayatra Ceremony in San Francisco, London, Buffalo, Boston and Ohio. Regarding the land, we are already negotiating for some land on the bank of the Ganges in Navadvipa. The price is cheaper there. I think Serampore being an industrial center, the price is very high. So anyway, I beg to thank you for your kind information. If our negotiations in Navadvipa are not fruitful, then I shall again write to you about this. Thank you very much for your kind letter. Sincerely, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 03:12 | 3 August 2005 August 3, 1969 Los Angeles My Dear Robert Hendry, Please accept my blessings. I beg to thank you for your nice letter dated July 13, 1969, but mailed on July 29th, and now it is in hand. I can understand from your letter that you are a quite fit soldier for fighting with Maya. Our Krishna Consciousness Movement is a declaration of war against the activities of Maya. The real description of Maya is given in a Vedic literature called Markandeya Purana in the chapter Candika. Candika is another name of the external energy called Maya. This Candika is described there as the Goddess who is putting all conditioned souls in darkness. In this material world, every living entity is under the spell of this Candika, almost asleep in darkness of knowledge. Every living entity is part and parcel spirit soul, but in contact with Maya it has developed different types of consciousness, represented by varieties of bodies, beginning from the aquatics and going to the bodies of demigods in higher planets. These different grades of bodies are developing in terms of life. When the consciousness comes to the point of Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, then life becomes perfect in its original condition. Therefore, in a sense this Krishna Consciousness Movement is declaring war against Candika, who has kept the living entities under her spell. Candika's first spell is to make us identify ourselves with these material conditions. Just like a living entity, because he is born and brought up in American condition, he thinks himself as American, similarly, others are thinking they are Indians, or Canadians, or French and so on. Actually, one is none of these material designations, but he is pure Krishna Consciousness, now covered by the spell of Candika's energy, or the material energy. So your program, seemingly like military men, marching with the Hare Krishna Mantra slogan is very very encouraging to me. I am always dreaming of a world Sankirtana Party, but your idea of marching 300 soldiers all over the world with the Hare Krishna Mantra is almost in fulfillment of my dream. So if you can believe in this adventure, certainly you will be doing a great deal of service to the humanity and therefore satisfying Krishna also. I am also glad to learn that you are interested in Indian philosophy. So far as Indian philosophy is concerned, Vedanta Sutra is the topmost or ____, and Srimad-Bhagavatam is the natural commentary on Vedanta Sutra. Bhagavad-gita is the preliminary study of Srimad-Bhagavatam. In the Bhagavad-gita we understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna as He is explaining Himself. We cannot understand the position of Godhead by our mental speculation because God is beyond our mental, bodily and speaking capacity. But when we are sincere in service mood, just like Arjuna, who surrendered himself to Krishna, then we are able to understand who Krishna is. Arjuna understood Krishna after hearing the Bhagavad-gita submissively that Krishna is the Supreme Absolute Truth, the Source of everything, the Supreme Purity and the Supreme Person. He also confirmed that Krishna is accepted as such not only by him, but also by other great authorities; such as Vyasadeva and Narada, who propagated the philosophy of Vedanta and Srimad-Bhagavatam all over the universe. Therefore, Krishna Consciousness is also a sort of fight; but not with rifles. Our weapon is karatalas. In this age there is no need of fighting with rifles because the population is so poor that they are already killed by so many disturbances. They are short lived, poor in knowledge, slack in advancement of spiritual life, unfortunate, and embarrassed by so many miserable conditions of life; like war, famine pestilence, poverty and so on. So to kill these persons by rifle is like bringing a cannon for killing a mosquito. So Lord Caitanya introduced this fighting principle of Sankirtana Movement to reclaim all the fallen souls, who consist of so-called philosophers, half-educated scientists, misguided educationists and a miscreant society. If you can consolidate a party of soldiers as described by you, chanting Hare Krishna Mantra and claiming everyone of them to Krishna Consciousness, that will be a glorious task, and you have all of my good wishes for you for this purpose. Your question about not chanting while attending class is also welcome. I don't mind if you do not chant Hare Krishna Mantra, but if you kindly sit down while chanting is going on, and if you simply hear with attention, that will also act. Wanting to become Krishna Conscious is also as good as being in a state of Krishna Consciousness. There is no actual difference. The difference is like the difference between green mangos and fully ripened mangos. The ripened mango is not a separate mango, but it is another condition of the green mango. So if the green mango is properly taken care of, it will surely come to the stage of the ripened mango. Therefore, as a mango, there is no difference between the two stages. So far as your dress is concerned, that is immaterial. But as a soldier you know that every soldier has got a uniform dress according to the army etiquette of regulation. Therefore, the army of Krishna Consciousness must have at least the tilak on the forehead in all conditions. For your business you can wear your naval service uniform; similarly, if you have tilak on your forehead as a soldier of Krishna Consciousness, you may not have so much objection, because it is essential. Your ideas are great, and your efficiency is laudable. The best thing would have been if you could come here and live with me at least for a week. We could have discussed it very nicely, so in the future you can become a great commander of the Krishna Consciousness soldiers. I hope this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 08:13 | 2 August 2005 Saturday, August 2, 1969 Los Angeles My Dear Gaurasundara, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 30 July, 1969, and I have noted the contents carefully. I am always encouraged to learn of the nice activities of our Hawaii Iskcon as they go on under your direction. These concerts which you are attending will not go in vain, because all of these people who are now hearing these vibrations of Hare Krishna Mantra will be gradually coming to our camp of Krishna Consciousness. This is the Vedic process that simply by sound vibrations there will be the reaction of spiritual benefit. And for all of these people who are joining you in chanting and helping you in your various activities, for them Krishna has shown His Special Mercy, and it is to be understood that Krishna will guide them more and more to return to Him again in His Spiritual Abode, Goloka Vrindaban. Regarding the difficulties you are having because of the police stopping your chanting in the streets, when Subala was arrested in Philadelphia for this same reason the judge declared him as "not guilty" when he learned of the nature of our movement and the purpose of our collecting. Subala has testimonial of this "not guilty" verdict as declared by the judge, so if you think it will be of help to you in getting permission from the police for chanting on the streets, then you may write to Subala for a xerox copy of this testimonial. Regarding your order of BTG, on such matters you should negotiate with Tamala Krishna. But one thing is that we are now stepping up publication from 20,000 to 25,000 per month, so we must likewise step up our sales on Sankirtana Party. In Philadelphia, Subala has reported that simply by standing on the street corners wearing our robes, automatically many, many people come up to inquire and purchase BTG from them, and they are selling about 80 copies per day. My Guru Maharaja always stressed the importance of distributing this Krishna Consciousness literature, so try to do it as far as possible. Regarding your obtaining a new temple, and your idea for yourself, Govinda Dasi, Balabhadra and Turya dasa to go to Tokyo in December, on such matters you may consult with Tamala Krishna in Los Angeles, because he has agreed to take charge of organizing this aspect of our movement. But I do not know how you are planning that the Hawaii branch will be maintained if so many important members leave for Tokyo. Just today I learned that in about one month Sudama and Bali Mardan will be leaving to begin this Japanese center, and Sudama has already arranged for free tickets for them both. So you may open correspondence to discuss this with Tamala Krishna. My idea is that you may not divert your attention to Tokyo at this time. Your responsibility in Hawaii is very great, so make it well-established first of all. Then you may try for another center. For your selling BTGs there is no reason for you to be strained. Whatever you can do conveniently is all right. I have received information from the United Shipping Corporation that the Murtis are coming from Calcutta to Honolulu. I am glad to learn that you have performed the Guru Purnima Ceremony by Kirtana that is all right. But this Guru Purnima is generally performed by the Mayavadi sects. The idea of Guru Purnima is to offer gratitude to the Spiritual Master by the disciple once in a year. That is called Guru Purnima. So far as we are concerned, Gaudiya Vaisnavas, we offer all our gratefulness to the Spiritual Master on His Appearance Day Ceremony, called Vyasa Puja. So kirtana is our daily function; whatever you have done is all right, but actual worship of the Spiritual Master will be done by all of my disciples on the fifth day of September, just one day after Janmastami. I am pleased to note that you have performed at certain yoga groups in the area, and already you are making a nice dent in their Maya, as they are now preferring the Maha Mantra to the chanting of Om. Actually, this chanting of Om is also a bonafide form of meditation, but as we learn from Vedic literature and from Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the chanting of Hare Krishna is the prime benediction for this age, and it is the authoritatively recommended means of God-realization. Also, I am very encouraged to learn that you have your own radio show for one hour every Sunday morning. Here in Los Angeles I have so many tapes of my singing prayers, chanting new tunes of Hare Krishna, playing mrdanga, and purports to prayers. So if you think that some of these tapes will be nice for your program, I will have copies made of some of them and have them sent to you. Please convey my blessings to Heroine Govinda Dasi. Yes, it is nice if she can draw pictures for BTG covers. She may ask Brahmananda what pictures will be required for upcoming covers. But as she is still sometimes feeling weak, she should not tire herself out in this connection. Please convey my blessings to all of the others. I hope this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 06:06 | August 2, 1969 Los Angeles My Dear Ann Clifford, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated July 25, 1969, and I have noted the contents carefully. I am pleased to learn that you have become interested in Krishna Consciousness through living at the Krishna House in Montreal and associating with the devotees there. Your return address is not at this Krishna House, and I hope that you are attending the Kirtanas which are held at the temple on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings. The chanting of Hare Krishna Mantra will clear away all of the difficulties that you have mentioned. Actually, as pure spirit soul, there is no difficulty; the cause of all problems is that we are forgetful of the fact that we are part and parcel of Krishna, and we are trying to enjoy the material nature through these material bodies. But the laws of material nature are so stringent that in spite of all attempts for enjoyment, the living entity in the material world must always come to the platform of suffering. This chanting of the Hare Krishna Mantra is especially recommended for chanting in this age of Kali yuga so that any sincere soul who takes to it will very soon regain his memory of being the transcendental loving servitor of the Lord, or Krishna. So if you will come to our temple on Park Avenue and chant and speak with the devotees as far as possible, you will find that all lesser attachments and lesser enjoyments will fall very short of your attachment for and attraction for service of the Lord in Krishna Consciousness. That is a fact, and my special request to you is that you seriously read our literature, especially Bhagavad-gita As It Is, chant Hare Krishna always; then you will find your life becoming sublime. Regarding your question about why we do not eat meat and yet we eat plant life, the answer is that we do everything as Krishna recommends. Everything we eat is first offered to Lord Krishna, and because Krishna does not eat meat, therefore we also do not eat meat. The fruits, grains, and vegetables which we offer to the Lord are not caused any suffering by our offering them to Krishna. Rather they are greatly benefited because to be offered for the pleasure of the Lord will grant for the living entity within the plant body certain liberation in the near future. Everything that we do in Krishna Consciousness is ultimately beneficial to all living creatures because we are working under the recommendations of the Lord Himself who is the well-wisher of all His part and parcel children. I hope this will sufficiently clear up this matter for you. I hope this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 04:03 | 1 August 2005 August 1, 1969 Los Angeles My Dear Jayapataka, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated July 29, 1969, and I have noted the contents carefully. I am pleased to note that the French edition of BTG will be ready by the end of the week. Please send a copy to me immediately when it is ready. You ask if you should improve the magazine to look like the English BTG, and of course this is very welcome, but first you must organize things so that the French edition can come out regularly every month. There are plans that soon there will be a center in Paris, France, so this French edition of BTG will help a great deal in the success of this center. Also, there are so many French speaking people in Canada, so please try to have this magazine come out on a regular monthly schedule. That would be very nice. Regarding the arrangements you described for having devotees come from here to work in Montreal, please send this information to Tamala Krishna, along with further details, and he will do the needful. I am pleased to note that you are selling about 25 copies of BTG daily and you are going out on Sankirtana twice daily. I have learned from Brahmananda that he is increasing the number of BTGs to be printed from 20,000 to 25,000 copies per month. So there is much potential for selling these issues to the many people who are gradually taking more and more interest in our movement, and please organize your sales there to increase at a steady rate. Sankirtana is the tried and proven method of propagating all aspects of our Krishna Consciousness Movement, so continue to go out chanting in the streets as much as possible. Regarding Jhulanayatra Ceremony, during these five days the Deities' clothings should be changed everyday, and there should be nice Prasadam distribution and Sankirtana as far as possible. If you are able to do it, a nice throne may be constructed on which the Deities can be placed. This throne may be swung gently during Kirtana. That will be very good, and surely the Deities will enjoy the function. You have mentioned that you have been invited to attend some "World Brotherhood Conference," and if it is convenient, you may go there with your Sankirtana Party, chant Hare Krishna, give some talk on Bhagavad-gita As It Is, and distribute Prasadam. That is our only business, and we can do these activities anywhere; it doesn't matter on the street or in some "World Brotherhood Conference." Everyone in this material world is conditioned by the laws of Maya, so wherever we go, surely there is much work we have to do in help [PAGE MISSING] letters | 06:43 | 31 July 2005 Thursday, July 31, 1969 Los Angeles My Dear Kulasekhara das (Colin Jury), Digvijaya das (Dick Withey), and Tirthapada das (Tim Austin), Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letters, sent along with your beads, and I have noted the contents carefully. This initiation ceremony is a Vedic principle to lead a conditioned soul to the higher level of transcendental life. In the Caitanya Caritamrta you will find the instruction as we have given it in our book, Teachings of Lord Caitanya, that after many, many births through approximately 8,400,000 species of life, a living entity gets this human form of life, which is a chance to get freedom from the material condition. When a child is born it is the responsibility of the state, of the father, of the mother, of the relatives, and of the teachers just to raise the child to the standard of Krishna Consciousness so that the child may not have any more to repeat the process of birth and death, but being fully situated in Krishna Consciousness he may be transferred to the spiritual world and situated in one of the Vaikuntha planets. The most important of the Vaikuntha planets is called Krishna Loka, or Goloka Vrindaban. In these days the propagation for landing on the moon planet is very encouraging to the common man, but so far as a Krishna Conscious person is concerned, he is not at all interested in any of the material planets. His target is to be transferred to the topmost spiritual planet, namely Krishna Loka. So this initiation means the preliminary chance for preparing oneself to achieve this highest perfection. I am very glad that you are already interested in the Krishna Consciousness Movement, and you will please chant at least 16 rounds daily, observing the rules and regulations. The four principle rules is that you will refrain from 1) meat-eating or partaking of fish or eggs, 2) illicit sexual connections, 3) intoxication (including cigarettes, coffee and tea) and 4) gambling. In addition to these rules there are ten offenses to chanting the Maha Mantra which should be avoided. These rules are as follows: 1) blaspheming the Lord's devotee. 2) Considering the Lord and the demi-gods on the same level. 3) Neglecting the orders of the spiritual master. 4) Minimizing the authority of the Scriptures. 5) Interpreting the Holy Name of God. 6) Committing sin on the strength of chanting. 7) Instructing the glories of the Lord's Name to the unfaithful. 8) Comparing the Holy Name with material piety. 9) Inattention while chanting the Holy Name. 10) Attachment to material things while engaged in the practice of chanting. So follow faithfully the above rules and regulations, help your godbrothers and sister in London to propagate Krishna Consciousness, and there is no question that you will all come out successful. I hope this will find you well. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 09:23 | July 31, 1969 Los Angeles My Dear Syamasundara, Please accept my blessings. I thank you very much for your letter dated July 25, 1969 and noted the contents with great encouragement, but at the same time I received one letter from Gurudasa which was not very encouraging. He told me about the difficulty that was had in performing the Rathayatra Festival, and I am enclosing a copy of the letter to you which I replied to Gurudasa. The purport of my letter is that there is no cause for any disappointment, and you can perform this ceremony on Janmastami Day if you are able. From the description of your letter it appears that the structure of the Ratha was too heavy for the wheels to carry the load. From Gurudasa' letter it was not clear to me if you at all held a ceremony on a smaller scale. But in any event, I think we may take it as Krishna's Grace that the difficulty took place at the very beginning of the procession and not later on when the Ratha was in a more populated area. So do not feel discouraged at all. By Krishna's Plan everything will come out for the best. We have only to work very sincerely, depending fully on the Mercy of the Lord, and in this consciousness we can make very quick advancement in Krishna Consciousness. If you think you will be able to perform the ceremony on Janmastami Day, then I shall give you further instructions on how this is to be done. I am very pleased to note that you have made such a nice recording of Hare Krishna, which may be released by the Beatle's Company. If you are able to send me a copy of this tape, that would be very nice. Also, it is very encouraging to learn that you think Mr. George Harrison will be happy to print our Krishna book. This will be a very great service to the mankind at large, if he can be of assistance in this connection. We are giving a unique contribution with this book; a book which tells of the activities of God. There is no other book that has been authoritatively presented to the Western World up till this time which has given so high a contribution. If persons will simply read this book or even look at the many pictures within, then this alone will bring immense spiritual benefit to their lives. I have written to Krishna das in Germany, and I am expecting their reply as to when they will be able to receive me there. So after I complete my business in Germany, surely I shall come to your temple in London, perhaps by Janmastami Day, and then it will be so nice to see all of you again. Please convey my blessings to your good wife, Malati, and your little daughter, Sarasvati. I hope this will meet you all in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 08:12 | July 31, 1969 Los Angeles My Dear Gurudasa, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter of July 28, 1969. I could not understand from your half-finished letter whether Rathayatra Ceremony was performed according to a subdued program. But I could understand that you are immersed in great confusion on account of the wheels giving way just after starting. I have received one letter from Syamasundara dated July 25th in which it is stated that the magnitude of the Ratha was double than the one you had in San Francisco. So such a heavy structure was not properly attended as to its weight and the wheels which could carry such huge weight. I think it was a mistake of engineering calculation. The load was heavier than the wheels could carry. So there is no question of being disappointed. I have not received any detailed information either from you or from the others, but even if the Festival was not properly performed, you should not be discouraged. As in the material world sometimes failure is considered as a pillar of success, similarly in the spiritual order also the same principle can be applied. So don't be disappointed. Maybe Krishna's desire is something higher in this connection. If the Rathayatra has not been performed, you can postpone it to be performed on the Janmastami Festival. There is no harm if you postpone the function to a later date, and the public will appreciate it. You consult amongst yourselves without being discouraged and patiently work for its being performed one month later. There is no harm. Jagannatha and Krishna are the same Supreme Personality. If it is Krishna's desire that He should enjoy the function on Janmastami Day, it might be He put some hindrance on the Rathayatra Day plans. So if you decide to hold the function on Janmastami Day, September 4, 1969, then on hearing from you I shall give you further instructions in this connection. But in any case don't be disappointed. Keep your enthusiasm. Be patient, and Krishna will reward your attempts with success. So far as San Francisco Rathayatra Festival, it was very pompously and successfully executed in my presence. There were about 10,000 people attending the function. The procession was led from our temple through Golden Gate Park and some other streets. We started at about 12:30 and reached on the beach about 5:00 or 5:30. Then we held a meeting in a big hall up till 6:00 o'clock, and they performed a puppet show and distributed Prasadam. Then Kirtana continued up till about 10:00 o'clock at night. The function was reported in the local papers, and I will send you a copy when it is printed up. So if possible, you just postpone the function till Janmastami Day, and do the needful. But don't be confused and disappointed. I hope you are well. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 07:27 | July 31, 1969 Los Angeles My Dear Lilavati, Please accept my blessings: I thank you very much for your letter dated July 23, 1969 and the photographs of your little daughter. These photographs were so nice, and I was very much engladdened to see how jolly Subhadra is. You write that she is already very enthusiastic about Sankirtana Party, so train her up very nicely. If such a pious child is trained properly as you and Murari are doing, then surely she will play a very worthy role in our society and in helping to improve the world condition by the propagation of Krishna Consciousness. It is not unusual that a little child is often very jolly, but in the material situation this jolliness passes very quickly. But in Krishna Consciousness, because the spirit soul is by nature very jolly and blissful, this jolliness only increases more and more as the bliss of serving Krishna increases more and more. So now your daughter has a very good opportunity to make final solution to her births in the material world, so keep her very nicely. Krishna will be kind upon you for this. I can understand that you are feeling for a playmate for your child. In New Vrindaban we were thinking of having such place for many children, but at the present it appears to be difficult because there is no sufficient accommodations there. I did not exactly follow what you meant about inadequacies in the editing of Bhagavad-gita As It Is. We are planning to print an enlarged edition of this book, with purports to each and every verse. The book was abridged due to the request of the MacMillan Company, but I am not satisfied with this, so we will print the complete work in an unabridged edition. I am pleased to note that you are thinking of opening new centers and you consider South Indiana to be a good place. For starting new centers and for suggestions in this connection you should write to Tamala Krishna because this department will be entrusted to him in the matter of supplying men, etc. I have also very much appreciated your poem at the end of your letter. It is very nice, and I will have it submitted to Hayagriva for consideration of publication in BTG. Please offer my blessings to the others. I hope this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami P.S. The S.F. Rathayatra was a grand success & I am awaiting the report of Boston Rathayatra. letters | 07:19 | July 31, 1969 Los Angeles My Dear Subala, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated July 26, 1969, and I have noted the contents with pleasure. I am glad to learn that the Philadelphians are quickly taking some interest in our Krishna Consciousness Movement, and you are simply standing on the corner wearing robes and the people come to purchase copies of Back To Godhead. So if you can continue in this way, letting them hear your chanting and selling Back To Godheads, then all success is automatically there. I remember that my Guru Maharaja would often send young boys out to sell literature of Krishna Consciousness, and if they would come back having sold only a few issues, Guru Maharaja was very, very pleased. Now you report that you have sold 300 issues of Back To Godhead in just a few days, so I know that Guru Maharaja is very, very pleased with your work. Actually, in all of our centers our Sankirtana Party and Krishna Consciousness literature is becoming more and more popular. Perhaps you have heard that Brahmananda has already made arrangements to increase the number of copies printed from 20,000 to 25,000. This is all very encouraging, so continue to increase your sales of Back To Godhead as far as possible. You are a serious worker, and Krishna will reward your efforts with success. This Monday I returned from San Francisco where they performed the Rathayatra Ceremony, and it was tremendously successful. There were about 10,000 people who joined us for the day, beginning from 12:00 in the afternoon, and lasting till around 10:00 at night. All through the day these people were feeling the bliss of Krishna Consciousness through chanting, dancing taking Prasadam, watching puppet stories about Krishna, and hearing us speak on Bhagavad-gita. The local papers printed nice pictures and stories about our Festival, and when we have them reprinted I will send a copy to you. Please offer my blessings to the others, and continue in the nice way you are doing now. I hope this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 05:17 | July 31, 1969 Los Angeles My Dear Hayagriva, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated July 22, 1969, and I have noted the contents carefully. The money matters dealings are somewhat an embarrassment to me. I do not know what they have paid and what you have received. The best thing is as you suggested that the girls who are there may come back to Los Angeles. I have asked Tamala also to write them. If Tamala is not sending their money, he should look after their comfort, and the best thing would be that you ask them to come back to Los Angeles, without any hardships and burdens on you. You take care of Girish and Birbhadra nicely, and I shall ask Silavati to send the money directly. Yes, Kirtanananda Maharaja is not very much in favor of Nara Narayana, so for the time being I am not asking him to return to New Vrindaban. He has done very nicely here in the Rathayatra Festival, and it was very successful in San Francisco. I shall send you later on the reprint pictures published in the local newspapers. You will be glad to learn that about 10,000 people participated in this function. The procession was taken along about an 8 mile distance, and the people followed all through, simply chanting the Hare Krishna Mantra. This was a unique scene in this part of the world. Some of the Christian-minded people became almost envious, and I have received some anonymous letters. Maybe as our movement increases in volume the orthodox section of Christianity may be envious of our successful march. I think you should collect some information from the Bible that Sankirtana, chanting of the Holy Names of God, is recommended there also. There is a book called Aquarian Gospel in which it is stated that Lord Jesus Christ lived in the temple of Jagannatha. Without being His devotee, how could he live there and how the authorities could allow a non-devotee to live there? From that book it appears that Lord Jesus Christ lived in intimate relations with the priest order. So as far as possible, you should prepare yourself for future writings that our movement is not against the philosophy of Jesus Christ, but it is in complete collaboration with his line of religiosity. Actually, we don't decry any religious way of the world, but we are simply advocating that people should learn to love God by following their religious principles. If one is not fortunate to be learning how to love God, then his religious principles are simply fanaticism, without any value. We are presenting the same thing practically by which one can learn very quickly how to love God, and then his life becomes sublime. So our process is a system, following which any man from any religious sect may come and join and learn how to love God. Now you should think [PAGE MISSING] letters | 04:10 | July 31, 1969 Los Angeles My Dear Kirtanananda, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated July 22, 1969, and because I went to San Francisco I could not reply earlier. You have suggested that people coming from various centers to New Vrindaban should have their expenses underwritten by the temples at the rate of $25 per person paid for one year. I think that will be a new introduction in our institution. In our so many centers the members go and come, but there was no such demand from any center, and if new Vrindaban demands like that, it will not sound very nice. But I can understand the financial position of New Vrindaban so the best thing will be to stop any more influx in New Vrindaban until the place is self-dependent. The whole idea of New Vrindaban is that men who are living there should produce their own food, of which milk is the principal thing. Unless that position is achieved it will not be advisable to ask anybody to go there. Better to ask them to go there if they are willing to work and produce their own food. Otherwise, nobody should be advised to go there. Besides that, I have received letters from the girls there that they are feeling inconvenience. Therefore, without having adequate place to live there, nobody should be advised at the present moment to go there. I am glad that the boys have been working for the house and the project will be completed satisfactorily. My advice is that you make the place very peaceful. You should admit only such persons who can work without any disturbance. For the time being you may not admit any more men and ask them to pay you $25 per month. That will not sound very nice. Please convey my blessings to the others. I hope this will meet you all in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami P.S. Your last consignment of sandesh was very very nice. Keep this standard and try to make it whiter than this. I had a good taste of them at today's lunch. Thank you. ACB letters | 04:08 | July 31, 1969 Los Angeles My Dear Gopala Krishna, Please accept my blessings. I beg to thank you very much for your letter dated July 26, 1969, and I have noted the contents carefully. Regarding your future settlement in India, You can work in any big city like Bombay or Delhi, because without living in a big city you cannot have a good job. You can also try Calcutta. Calcutta is also a very big industrial city, and if you are posted there, it will be easier for you to look after the Mayapur-contemplated temple. But it does not matter whether you are situated in Bombay, Calcutta or Delhi; wherever is suitable you can accept. Regarding your dress, you should dress yourself as smartly as possible. Krishna Consciousness does not depend on the dress. It is consciousness. If by dressing yourself very nicely you get honor from your customers, then it is a great asset for business management. So far as your diploma in business management from McGill University is concerned, you must have it by all means. In the Bhakti-Rasamrita-Sindhu it is enjoined by Srila Rupa Goswami that any work, either prescribed in the Vedas or ordinary mundane activities, if the target is to satisfy Krishna, then everything is devotional service. In the Srimad-Bhagavatam also it is recommended by Suta Goswami that ultimate perfection of an engagement is tested by the satisfaction of the Lord. Our aim should be how to please Krishna. As it is said in English also, the ends justify the means. So it is my request to you that keep Krishna always in view and accept anything necessary for your worldly affairs. I am very pleased to note that in such things you consult me. This is a very nice habit. You will please always consult me before doing anything, and I shall try to guide you to my best abilities. Regarding distribution of BTG or my publications, I welcome your floating a company yourself for this purpose. In that case your company will be another department of the society, although the society has no intention to interfere with your business. But your business will be considered as my business. So think of it very carefully, and it will be very nice. Regarding kholes from Bombay, I was expecting your father's reply by this time. Anyway, I hope to receive the same as soon as possible. Last week I was in San Francisco, and the Rathayatra Ceremony was a grand success. I hope this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 03:14 | July 31, 1969 Los Angeles My Dear Prabhas Babu; I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter, F-54.286, dated July 22, 1969. I have noted that you are going to send the mrdangas more carefully. Yes, I am advising to retire your bill of shipping charges for Rs. 101.50 as soon as we receive instruction from the bank. Yes the books may be gunny packed in cases, and try to charge as low as possible. I understand The Punjab National Bank from Vrindaban has already issued a letter to you so there is no need of sending the document to them. You send the documents directly to New York. Most probably I shall be going to German and England very soon, and I shall send you some big orders from there. Also I have advised my Seattle branch to send you an order soon, so you will please do the needful in this connection. In the meantime, whatever pending goods are there may be dispatched without delay. I think there are some pending orders sent from New York. Sincerely, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 02:18 | |
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