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Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 a.c. bhaktivedanta swami |
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![]() 26 September 2005 September 26, 1969 London My Dear Sivananda, Please accept my blessings. I am so pleased to receive your letter (undated). I have already written one letter to Krishna das, and I am anxious to receive a reply from him. Anyway, I am so pleased to learn you have found out a very nice place. My suggestion is that you take a first class temple site; never mind if the rent is little higher. Krishna will give you strength. But try to find out first class place for Krishna, and make the throne very nicely as per the sample I have given. Then I shall go again and install the Deity. The sooner you do it is better, because when it will be cold, I must leave Europe. I always remember you for your kind personal service and walking with me on the street. So you are so kind upon me, Krishna will bless you with advanced consciousness, and you will be spiritually very happy. Thank you very much. Please offer my blessings to all and let me know about the progress with Zuruck Zur Gottheit. I hope this meets you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 08:21 | September 26, 1969 London My Dear Jayapataka, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated September 11th, and I have noted the contents. Enclosed please find one photograph of the Radha-Krishna throne, so you may begin constructing it as soon as possible. When the Radha-Krishna Deities are installed, you may turn your main attention to Them, rather than to the Lord Jagannatha Deities. You continue to keep Jagannatha nicely though, and sometimes change His dress. So far as your having already ordered instruments from India, that is all right. Regarding your question about the verse in the prayers to the Spiritual Master, the Spiritual Master is one of the associates of Krishna. The prayers offered by Visvanatha Cakravarti to his Spiritual Master have a special significance. His Spiritual Master was one of the assistant gopis, so the prayer was offered like that. On the whole, the Spiritual Master is an agent of Krishna. But either He is assistant to the gopis or assistant to the cowherds boys, He is on the level of Krishna. That is the verdict of all scriptures. Krishna is worshipable God and the Spiritual Master is worshipper God. The exact words are sebya (worshipable) and sebak (worshipper). Your explanation of Annamoya is all right. Pranamoya means there are different types of airs, and the spirit soul is floating on the air, just like all the planets are floating in the air. This Pranamoya air is transferred by breathing exercises, but we have nothing to do with such exercises. Our prana, or life, is surrendered to Krishna. That is the first class yoga system approved by Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita. This Pranamoya, Annamoya, etc. are different stages for persons who are too much engrossed in the bodily concept of life. Our philosophy begins from the point where we immediately accept that I am not this body; I am pure spirit soul, servant of God, Krishna. Therefore, these studies are meant for neophyte transcendentalists. But this devotional service is far above such platform. Regarding your last question, generally those who are attracted very much to Lord Caitanya and Goswamis are understood to develop to the conjugal love stage with Lord Krishna. So I am very much pleased, and I congratulate you. I hope this meets you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami P.S. I have just now received your letter of September 23rd along with the check. Thank you. letters | 04:08 | 25 September 2005 Thursday, September 25, 1969 London, My Dear Raktak, Please accept my blessings. I beg to (indistinct) receipt of your letter dated September (indistinct). I have noted the contents. Regarding (indistinct) have mentioned in your letter, if (indistinct) and good for protection, there is no (indistinct) my part. The idea is that dress has to be accepted according to the taste of others and foodstuffs are to be accepted according to the eater's taste. So if you think this kind of dress will attract more people, you can dress yourself in that manner. But our real dress is the tilaka and sikha. (indistinct) always present there. So consult with (indistinct) and decide what is to be done in this (indistinct). Please offer my blessings to the others (indistinct) this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 06:44 | September 25, 1969 London My Dear Jadurani, Please accept my blessings. I beg to thank you for your letter dated September 16, 1969, and I have noted the contents carefully. I am pleased to note that the Boston temple is going on nicely and you are working very steadily at your painting work. Regarding Barunadev, he is a very beautiful demigod in the form of a man. He has a beautiful body nice clothe, helmet, ornaments. So you may paint him in that way. Regarding pictures from Srimad-Bhagavatam, if you have enough time, I can suggest so many pictures; but for the time being you are engaged in pictures for Krishna. That is also Srimad-Bhagavatam. First let these pictures be finished nicely. Make them as nice as possible, and then later on you can do pictures for our other books. Regarding the relative importance of painting and temple kirtanas for you, the painting is more important. Paint and chant Hare Krishna, that is the most important engagement for you. I have received a letter from Satsvarupa in which he inquired if he may print some of the Krishna book in BTG. Please inform him that this is a nice idea and he may do it.Please offer my blessings to the others. I hope this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 06:42 | |
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