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Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 a.c. bhaktivedanta swami |
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![]() 5 February 2005 Wednesday, February 5, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. Dear Yamuna, Please accept my blessings. I thank you for your letter of January 22, 1969, and I have duly noted the contents. The reply to your points you will find along with your husbands letter. I am very much anxious to go to London, but I do not know why you are delaying to call me. The legal documents being submitted, there is no impediment to rent a nice house. So you should take this risk, and everything will come out all right. How is Mr. Parikh doing? I hope this will meet you in the best of health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 09:08 | February 5, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. My Dear Gurudasa, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter of January 29, 1969, and I am so glad to learn that you have permission to have kirtana all the time on the streets and parks. You have written that you are missing me, and similarly, I am sitting here anxious to meet you as soon as possible. In previous letters of Syamasundara. it was understood that the Beatles were going to help us positively, but the delay method appears to be diplomatic to avoid the pledge. I do not know what is the position, but I think that without depending on anyone, we may take the risk of renting a nice house for our temple immediately. If you think that my presence will accelerate matters, I am prepared to go immediately. In Yamuna's letter I understood that many people are interested in our temple work, and they are prepared to contribute items such as deities. All such things being favorable, why you are not taking a temple at your own risk? Besides that, you wrote to say that I will not go there for one year, but I have no such idea. I do not know who has spread such rumor. I have already postponed my journey to Hawaii in the month of April. In April I will go to Columbus, Ohio, so these two months of February and March I am completely free. If you so desire, I can start immediately and see the situation which is preventing the renting of a nice house. You write to say also that everyone is awaiting my arrival, and they ask "When is Swamiji coming?" So far as I am concerned, I can go immediately because I have no serious engagements here now. I thank you very much for your assurance that I will find London a most flourishing center for our world Sankirtana movement. That is my ideal of life, to form a nice group of devotees to perform Sankirtana and to distribute our books in wider circles. Here, Tamala Krishna's group has proved a very nice Sankirtana Party, and we can combine with your group which is also a very nice Sankirtana Party. Then we could immediately take the responsibility of a round the world trip, and I am sure it will be successful. You can let me know by return mail if my services in London are immediately required. I am prepared to go. The picture of Kartamasi which you have sent is very nice. Kartamasi is becoming very popular in every center. That is a good sign. Thanking you once more for your letter, and I am awaiting your early reply. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 08:01 | February 5, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. My Dear Mukunda, Please accept my blessings. At your earliest convenience, please submit to me a list of the names of the devotees who are filling the following offices: President, Secretary, and Treasurer in your center. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 06:59 | February 5, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. My Dear Colin Jury, I thank you for your letter which was sent along with Yamuna's. I am pleased to hear that you are anxious to meet me, and I will be pleased to meet you when I go there. But first there must be a nice house secured. Our society is now legalized in London, so there should be no difficulty in securing a house immediately. Please help the devotees there to do this. I am simply awaiting their letter to start for London. I hope this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 06:57 | February 5, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. My Dear Brahmananda, Please accept my blessings. I thank you very much for your kind letter dated February 1, 1969, and, in the meantime, my letters to you dated January 30, 1969 and February 1, 1969 respectively might have crossed. Most of the answers of your letter under reply will be found in these two letters. Please let me know if you have received them by now. If not, I will send you the carbon copies. So far as your letters are concerned, each and every one of them will be particularly answered, so there is no question of passing over your inquiries. Feelings of love are reciprocal, especially on the spiritual platform. I know what is your feelings about me, and in the same way I am always dependent on your kind affection. Regarding printing at Dai Nippon, we have got to print so many books for which manuscripts are ready. So, pending the decision of starting our own press or having MacMillan print the Srimad-Bhagavatam, immediately we may begin printing of our books from Dai Nippon. If they agree to print 5,000 copies of 400 pages at their agreed rate of $5,000 that is good. So far the sample of print, the binding, and the size of the book is concerned, that is now all settled. The only thing is they must give us a definite date of delivery of printed books, and they must agree to the formerly stipulated price. If there is no question of delay we can immediately hand over the manuscript either of the second canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam or Nectar of Devotion. If MacMillan Company is interested in Srimad-Bhagavatam, then negotiate the transaction, and by the 15th of March we can deliver them the complete revised version of the 1st canto. So far as I understand, they will print the first canto to see the result. In case they agree to continue printing of Srimad-Bhagavatam, then we shall stop printing at Dai Nippon, and MacMillan will be handed over the charge for all other cantos. If their experiment on the 1st canto does not become successful, then let us go on printing all other cantos as usual. This is my decision, and you can arrange accordingly. So far as Back To Godhead is concerned, Purusottama has appointed one selling agent in Los Angeles who has agreed to take 400 copies per month. There are at least 300 big cities in your country, and if we can appoint one selling agent only in each city, consuming an average of 100 copies only, the total quantity comes to 30,000 copies. This is not an Utopian idea. It is completely practical. Simply we have to arrange and organize. To distribute 100 copies in a big city like Los Angeles, New York, or San Francisco is not at all difficult. Simply it requires the talent of organization. So expecting on this calculation that in the near future we shall be able to distribute at least 30,000 copies of Back To Godhead, you can immediately take quotation from Dai Nippon for regular 20,000 copies minimum per month. If their quotation is suitable, we will immediately take the risk and print 20,000 copies per month. Regarding advertisements in Back To Godhead, I am not at all in favor of it. I was obliged to suggest you take advertisements because the magazine was not coming regularly due to lack of funds, but practically I see the magazine is not improving by accepting these advertisements. So in the future, say after the next issue, we shall stop taking advertisements because it is not satisfactory. If we print, however, 20,000 copies, we can accept one page of advertisements, fixing up our rate at not less than $100 per page. And this advertisement also must be to our scrutinization. We cannot accept advertisement from anyone and everyone, rather it will be our motto to avoid advertisements. So far as I know, in India, the Kalyana Kalpataru paper edited by Hanuman Prasad Poddar, does not accept any advertisements. Nor do they review any nonsense book published by others, and they have got respectable position. Similarly we have to create a respectable position for our Back To Godhead. Actually, it is the only single paper of its nature, describing the science of God in full detail, published in the western world. Our Vaisnava religion is so vast that we can supply millions of pictures and hundreds and thousands of literary contributions in this paper. In Christian religion they have got pictures like the Crucifixion and a few similar others. In the Buddhist religion they have got the picture of the Lord Buddha. In Mohammedan religion they have got picture of Mecca Medina, and I do not know what is the picture in the Jewish religion. But so far as our Krishna Consciousness is concerned, we can supply millions of pictures of Krishna, Visnu, and Their multi-incarnations, as well as Their transcendental Pastimes. So we have to create a unique position for this paper, at least in the western world. Anyway, that will depend upon our future capacity, but for the time present we can immediately take quotation from Dai Nippon what they will charge us for 20,000 copies every month. Now I have given my definite opinion about printing my books at Dai Nippon and printing Back To Godhead, so you can do the needful. Regarding my teaching in different universities, you will be pleased to know that recently I got one letter from Cultural Integration Fellowship President, Dr. Haridasa Chaudhuri. He has appreciated my book, and he remarks as follows: "The book is without doubt the best presentation so far to the western public of the teachings of Lord Krishna from the standpoint of Vaisnava tradition and devotional Hindu mysticism." So actually this is the correct position of our Krishna Consciousness movement. There are religious classes held in almost every university of your country, and they are eager also to study different kinds of religions. So far as Bhagavad-gita is concerned, there is no doubt about it that I am the only authority in your country in this matter. Nobody can speak on the Bhagavad-gita so authoritatively as I can do. That is a fact. So if the university wants to take advantage of this opportunity, even in this old age I can go from one university to another, and I am sure they can learn from me only the true teachings of the Bhagavad-gita; from me and from my students who are already trained up in this connection. So, if something can be done in this connection, it will help our missionary propaganda, and the students shall get new light from our book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is. So, I am so much obliged to you that you are trying to get my books published somehow or other. I can simply pray to Krishna for your long life and valuable service to Krishna. Thanking you once more for your letter. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami P.S. I understand that you are anxious to get me in New York. So if you like I can go immediately as I have no serious engagement now in the western part of your country. letters | 05:46 | February 5, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. My Dear Gargamuni, Please accept my blessings. After a long time, I beg to thank you for your letter dated 31, January, 1969 from the Spiritual Sky store. You have given a very nice name. At least you are giving ideas to the people in general that there is a Spiritual Sky, and they will get information sufficiently about Spiritual Sky, the planets thereof, the inhabitants of these planets, etc., through the medium of your store, the Spiritual Sky. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your check for $110 being the sales proceeds for Srimad-Bhagavatam. I am so engladdened to hear from you that the books are selling very nicely. Regarding the eight Gopis and my Spiritual Master, I think you did not follow what I said, but that does not mean that you should be disappointed. We are all students, and we are apt to commit mistakes; but that does not mean that we should be disappointed. Lord Caitanya also presented Himself before Prakasananda Sarasvati as a foolish student of His Spiritual Master, although He was the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself. Anyway, the actual fact is that the eight Gopis are as good as Krishna and Radharani. Therefore, no Vaisnava will claim to be one of the eight Gopis because that will tinge one with Mayavadi philosophy. If somebody says "I am Krishna." or "I am Radha." or "I am one of the eight Gopis." that is against Krishna philosophy. My Guru Maharaja claimed to be one of the sub-devotee assistants of the eight Gopis. Lord Caitanya also claimed Himself as servant of the servant of the servant of Krishna. So even though you might not have understood, you can correct it now and don't be disappointed. Your humble repentance is just like a Vaisnava student, so I thank you very much for this humbleness. Lord Caitanya taught us to be humbler than the grass on the street and more tolerant than the tree. So these symptoms are Vaisnava symptoms. There is no question of rejection or dejection. I am always at your service, and you can question whenever there is any doubt, and I will try to answer them as far as possible. Regarding the printing of my different letters, if you have sufficient time you can work on this project, but I think you have got greater project before you; sales organization of our books and publications. Unless we have got very good organization for selling our books, printing our books any place will be impractical. So I think you will try seriously how to appoint selling agents all over the country. Nay; all over the world. I'll be glad also to hear from you about how you are going to organize this selling propaganda. As for printing of the books, I have already answered this in the letter to Brahmananda, and you can see it. Hope this will find you in good health and cheerfulness. I am awaiting your early reply. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami P.S. I am always expecting big checks from you for my books. Do you think that you require some money for improving your business? ACB letters | 02:40 | 4 February 2005 Tuesday, February 4, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. My Dear Aniruddha, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated January 29, 1969, and I am pleased to learn that everything is going nicely with full cooperation of all of your godbrothers. Our center of activities is Krishna, and if we are actually Krishna Conscious there will always be full cooperation between ourselves for the satisfaction of Krishna. These two boys, Girish and Birbhadra are sent by Krishna to our care, and we must be very much attentive for building their character in Krishna Consciousness. Here, the boy, Birbhadra, is taken care of personally by Vishnujana, and, by Krishna's Grace, you have to take care of Girish. In New Vrindaban, nothing can immediately be done because there is no sufficient accommodations, but I am in correspondence with Hayagriva for renting one two-story big house near New Vrindaban for starting the press. I think we will be able to secure the house by next April when I will also go there, and our project of starting a school, press, etc., will be seriously taken at that time. You are right when you say that setting a good example for the boys is the best precept. There is a saying that an example is better than a precept. Our exemplary character depends on strictly following the four principles, and this will conquer the whole world. Our boys and girls in London, by there exemplary character have drawn the attention of many respectable persons and even some public papers. Our movement is not only for some theoretical teaching, but it is for developing practical character and definite understanding. I will be glad to know what is your future program. Do you think you will be continuing as brahmacari, or in the future will you wish to become householder? The idea is that when we open our educational institute, we will require some dedicated monks, just like Christian Fathers, who have no connection with women. In that case, we can start a theological school also, along with a boys primary school. Our theological school will regularly teach our published books, such as Bhagavad-gita As It Is, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Teachings of Lord Caitanya, Nectar of Devotion, Brahma Samhita, and Krishna. We wish to hold examinations and award titles such as Bhakti-sastri, Bhakti-vaibhava, and Bhaktivedanta. The whole program will continue for seven years, and the students who will be fully engaged in this study of a seven year course will be classified in the 4-D section of the draft board. Such students will not be called for military activities. In this connection, an experiment is going on with Karatieya, and if it is successful then we can give protection to many such students provided they take things seriously. Apart from the draft board chasing, actually we require many enlightened students who can go to any part of the world and establish there a center. Anyone who is a little bit conversant with the above books can go anywhere, chant Hare Krishna, distribute Back To Godhead, and hold classes on the above books. I have received one letter from Gurudasa today that they have got permission to chant Hare Krishna in all the streets and parks of London. The world needs this consciousness of Krishna, and we have to manufacture many preachers for this purpose. I wish that you can also take the responsiblity of teaching staff when we actually open our theological school in New Vrindaban. Thanking you again for your letter. I hope this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 05:24 | 1 February 2005 Saturday, February 1, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. My Dear Upendra, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter of January 27, 1969, and I have carefully noted the contents. I am pleased by your wish to remain as brahmacari, and if you stick to your decision you will be able to go back to Godhead, back to Home, in this very life without waiting for another birth. Please try in every way to stick to this principle, and simply engage yourself in Krishna's service. That will protect you from any attack of maya. Maya can take Krishna's place in our heart as soon as there is a slackness on our part. Otherwise, if Krishna's seated always, maya has no opportunity to occupy the seat. Try to follow this method and you will surely be successful. Regarding your worries about natural disasters in Los Angeles, thank you for your cares for me. But Krishna is always giving protection and there is no cause of concern. There was a slight storm at night for two or three days, but that was not very much of a disturbance for me. I am glad to note that you are making improvements in the temple's paraphernalia. That should be your primary engagement. Please also take good care of this boy Charles. He is new, and you must help him so that he will not be poisoned by the influence of maya. If you will have some time it will be nice if you can come to Los Angeles for a few days. I shall also be very glad to see you. Also you will get ideas from how the Los Angeles devotees are working for their temple. As much as possible you should try to introduce to the colleges our Bhagavad-gita. In every college there is a religion department, and most of them have interest in the Bhagavad-gita. So you can show to the chief man of this department that this is a real presentation of Vaisnava philosophy. I have received a statement from Dr. Haridasa Chaudhuri of the California Institute of Asian Studies that ours is the best presentation of the teachings of Lord Krishna to the Western public. So if they are actually serious to receive instructions from Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita, they absolutely must read this publication of Bhagavad-gita As It Is. If they want some nonsense upon the plea of reading Bhagavad-gita then there is nothing we can do to help them. Everyone is free to act according to his inclination. Regarding your question, maya comes from Krishna. Everything comes from Krishna, but when something is found in Krishna it is just as good as anything can be. Just like Krishna has the stealing propensity. As such He is called the Butter Thief, and he is worshipped as the Butter Thief. He is worshipped by His devotees all over the world with love and affection, while the same propensities in us would result in our being handed over to the police. That is the difference between Krishna and ourselves. He being Absolute, everything in Him is also Absolute. In the relative prospective it is very difficult to understand what is the Absolute. From the material point of view, one cannot understand that one plus one equals one, and one minus one equals one. It requires a little time to understand this axiomatic truth. But in time such truths will become revealed to you without any mental speculation. Please convey my blessings to the others who are so nicely helping you in Seattle. I hope this will meet you all in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 06:27 | February 1, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. My Dear Ekayani, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter (undated), and I thank you very much for it. I am pleased to note that you and your nice sister, Indira Dasi, are making and tending to Lord Jagannatha deities. You should place these deities on sale in Gargamuni's store for selling. In this way, you will make some money for doing your painting work. You should practice developing your good painting skills very thoroughly, and if you are ready, I can send to you many Bhagavatam pictures to do. Jadurani is now sick for some time, and I have asked her to cease all of her activities. There are some paintings lying in Boston, perhaps unfinished, and, if time permits, you can go there with your sister to see them. If Jadurani likes, you can finish up these pictures for the Krishna book. Picture painting is one of our important departments, so please try to become very expert. You should be at least as expert as Jadurani, and that will be a great pleasure for me. Rukmini is also becoming very much expert in her artistic works. Regarding your question about the Goswamis, all of them are eternal associates of Lord Caitanya. I do not know where you have read differently. Sri Rupamanjari is one of the eight Gopis, but which one you will learn later on. Study the Bhagavad-gita more carefully. There will be an examination and everyone will have to appear to take this examination next January, 1969. Please convey my blessings to all of your nice godbrothers and godsisters in New York temple. I hope this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 06:24 | February 1, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. My Dear Nara Narayana, Please accept my blessings. I am very much encouraged by your proposal as stated in your letter of January 25, 1969 of constructing housing in New Vrindaban for an estimate of about $1,000. This money will be secured somehow or other and invested in New Vrindaban for constructing the proposed cottages. These cottages needn't be very high class finished. We simply want protection; that's all. They may be very roughly finished. Please send me your plans which you have mentioned, and we shall begin this housing scheme in April. We agree to invest the money in this project, and the persons you wanted will join you when you actually begin the work. In the meantime, if you think brass deities can be done in New York, please let me know what will be the cost per pair. If not 24" high, they should be of the same size we have got in New York. When you were here you told me the cost will be about $40. If you can manufacture for even $50 per pair, you should manufacture immediately five or six pairs, and I will provide you with the money. But first be sure what will be the actual price and whether you will be able to do it. After finishing with this murti business, you can immediately begin the construction work in New Vrindaban. So far as kirtana party is concerned, you have well suggested to conduct the party under the good guidance of Rsi Kumar. He is a very expert devotee, and the kirtana party can be well managed under his guidance, and under the cooperation of Brahmananda. You should always read also, besides attending class, whenever you have time, the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Then I can surely recommend to the draft board that you are a very serious student of Bhagavad-gita under my supervision. I hope this will meet you in good spirits and good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 06:20 | February 1, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. My Dear Uddhava, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter of January 30, 1969, and I have noted the contents carefully. You have written to say that 8 people will be working under Rayarama and another 8 people will also be there in the printing department, including the baby, Nandini. So even if we are able to get accommodations for all of these people, what is the program for maintenance? These people will require at least $200.00 per month for food, so tell me immediately if you have got any scheme how to get this money for maintenance. So far as accommodations are concerned, Hayagriva has given me information that there is a nice two-story house where both the press and the workers can be accommodated. The rent is only $260.00 per year. I think this house should immediately be occupied so we can gradually begin our work and also construct other structures with the help of Nara Narayana and others. So Hayagriva is prepared to invest money for the press, accommodations are there provisionally. Now if you have any definite program for meeting your maintenance expenditures we can begin the press work immediately. If the house is there and our workers are ready, then what is the difficulty of starting the press immediately? If this house turns out to be not suitable we will have to construct another, but in either case the problem is still there of maintenance. Everything must be practically thought out, and please tell me what yourself and Advaita are planning with this. Thanking you once more for your letter, I hope to hear from you again very soon. Hope this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 06:13 | February 1, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. My Dear Larry Snyder, Mark Perlman and John Curran, Please accept my blessings. I thank you very much for your very nice letter dated January 23, 1969, and I have read the contents with great satisfaction. Your eagerness to spread the Krishna Consciousness movement in that part of the country is certainly dictated by Krishna who is situated within your heart. There are innumerable living entities wandering within the universe in different forms of life and conditions in different planetary systems. Out of many, many of such conditioned souls, only one will come into contact with a bona fide Spiritual Master by the Grace of Krishna. Krishna can understand from within the sincerity of purpose of a particular living entity, and He gives direction to such sincere devotee to the path of realizing Krishna Consciousness. So you have already achieved to this stage of life. Please do not miss the opportunity. Although you are not formally initiated, you have associated with our devotees in the New York temple, and it has acted. The seed is already there in you and it has to be helped to grow and fructify. The best means of watering this seed of Krishna Consciousness is to chant and hear Hare Krishna. Now you have got our book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is, and also you have available our regular publication, Back To Godhead. In the latest issue there is an article you should read called the Isopanisad. So with these literatures you can immediately start a center wherever it is possible for you. I think that Florida will be a very nice place for this, and I have always had a great desire to open a center there. So my advise to you is that you make a small center immediately, and, if possible, get some musical instruments from New York. Brahmananda will supply you with a mrdanga and a few pairs of cymbals. Simply you have to sit down together as you have seen done in New York. Just begin chanting Hare Krishna in the accompaniment of a beating drum and the playing of cymbals. There is no necessity of any other instrument at present. The chanting is very simple; Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. So in this way for 15-20 minutes you chant, and then read from our Bhagavad-gita. There is explanation there as far as possible to convince everyone what is the importance of Krishna Consciousness. So 15 minutes of chanting and dancing, and 1.2 hour of reading from text of Bhagavad-gita, then questions and answers, and at last chanting again of Hare Krishna. In this way you can begin, and there will be no difficulty. Gradually, as you get even more interested in this procedure, [PAGE MISSING] letters | 06:08 | February 1, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. My Dear Gopala Krishna, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of you letter of January 26, 1969, and I have carefully noted the contents. I am very pleased to understand that you are going to contribute $250.00 for murtis. I think that you can pay at the rate of $100.00 twice and $50.00 once. That will save much time, but if it is inconvenient, you can pay at the rate of $50.00 per month. As soon as I get $100.00 I shall immediately order the deities with this advance. I am so glad to learn that you are chanting very regularly and trying to follow the four principels of restriction as far as possible. I have got an account with the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce in Montreal, and, if you like, you may deposit the money there in my account. I can send you the name of the branch and my account number if you like. I think this will save time in your remitting your contribution. Thanking you for your letter and for your sincere good will toward our mission of Krishna Consciousness. I hope this will meet you in very good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 06:06 | 31 January 2005 Friday, January 31, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. My Dear Hayagriva, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated January 26, 1969, and I have carefully noted the contents. I am very pleased to learn that the entire first canto should be completely edited by March 8th, and I am also glad to hear that your Lord Caitanya play is at last completed. From what I have gone through of this play I could see that it is very well done, simply it is a little prolonged. Otherwise it is very nice. I hope that when we start our own press we shall get this book printed. Regarding my coming there, I think you should fix up my date of being there with Alan Ginsberg. Provisionally, you can set up my date of arrival by the middle of April as described by you. I can understand from your letter that your car is now broken and useless. In the future, we should not purchase a second-hand car; it is always troublesome. This is the third time that such car has caused us difficulty. Rupanuga purchased a second-hand car for $600, and it proved to be useless. Another was given to Hamsaduta, and this too proved not very satisfactory. Now the third experience is yours. If it is possible to get it sold and get some money, you can purchase a small truck new, or else whenever we need a truck we can rent it. But don't purchase any more second-hand cars; they are too much troublesome. Regarding the press, I have already written to Brahmananda about this. We can risk $260 for renting one year the two-story house you mentioned. So immediately you should make arrangements for this. As for your nice sentiments about our first meeting on Houston Street, it was all arranged by Krishna. That was practically a favor shown to me by Krishna because I came in your country by superior order. I had been feeling lonely although I had the mission of starting this Krishna Consciousness movement. So Krishna sent you to me, and therefore our meeting was also the desire of Krishna. Therefore, both of us, or for that matter, all of the boys and girls who are working with me, have met by the desire of Krishna. As such, everyone should always feel the responsibility that Krishna wants us to do something for Him, and we must invest all of our energies to fulfill this mission of Krishna Consciousness. The boys and girls in London are doing very nicely. My Guru Maharaja sent one sannyasi, Swami Bon Maharaja, to preach Krishna Consciousness in London, sometimes in 1933. Although he tried for three years and at the expense of my Guru Maharaja, he could do not do any appreciable work. So Guru Maharaja, being disgusted, called him back. In comparison to that situation, our 6 young boys and girls are neither very much advanced in their study of Vedanta nor any other Vedic literature, neither are they sannyasis. But still they are doing more tangible work than what Bon Maharaja could do there 35 years ago. This very fact confirms the statement of Lord Caitanya that a preacher or teacher may be a householder, a sannyasi, a brahmana, a sudra, or anyone, provided he knows the science of Krishna. And to know the science of Krishna means to serve Krishna under the directions of a bona fide Spiritual Master. When we serve Krishna in this way, Krishna is pleased to reveal Himself. So we should follow strictly the Vedic principle that anyone who has unflinching faith in Krishna and the Spiritual Master, to him only the science of Krishna Consciousness becomes revealed. Then when we are fully conversant in revelation of Krishna Consciousness, we can meet any opposing elements and come out victorious. Now you are grhastha, and there is no need to be despondent, simply we have to become sincere to act fully in Krishna Consciousness. Your wife, Syama Dasi, is a very good girl. She will be always helpful to you in doing as the boys and girls in London are doing in attracting the attention of various types of people from all over the world. They are doing wonderful service, and it makes no difference that they are householders. Do not be very much anxious whether you are fired from your present service or not. But you should not do something there which will be disturbing to the authorities. However, in all circumstances we must execute the progam of Krishna Consciousness, even at the risk of dissatisfying the so-called employer master. Please convey my blessings to Syama Dasi. I hope this will meet you both in happy mood and good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami P.S. You know Dr. Haridasa Chondhery of San Francisco. He writes as follows:--"I am delightful to receive your affectionate gift of `The Bhagavad-gita As It Is.' Whenever I find some time, I read a little from it. The book is without doubt the best presentation so far to the western public of the teachings of Lord Krishna--the standpoint of the Vaisnava tradition of India . . . etc." Actually it is so. Now we have to make some propaganda work to convince the different colleges and universities to read this real form of B.G. to the Western Public. letters | 06:50 | January 31, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. My Dear Rukmini, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated January 23, 1969, and also I have seen your wonderful portrait of my Guru Maharaja. This picture is a great joy to me, and it is now hanging in my room in the temple where I may always gaze upon it. I thank you so much for your sincere service, and i am very much encouraged that you are already a nice artist, and what to speak of the improvements you will make with further practice. Regarding your question about the individual soul becoming all-pervasive, the idea is completely nonsensical rascaldom. Such theory is simply a bluff. Artificially, by means of practical psychology, one can understand very little of another's thinking and feeling. But this is in no way all-pervasive. If any yogi says like that, especially the modern so-called yogis, it is simply falsehood. In however perfect stage of yoga one may be, he may understand something of another's mental condition, but this is never all-pervasive. This all-pervasive consciousness is possible only in the Supersoul. Bhakti Devi is the expansion of Srimati Radharani. I hope this letter will meet you in very good health. Thanking you once more for your nice letter. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami P.S. While Jadurani is sick you can continue the work slowly. There is no rush you can paint pictures slowly but surely very nice. letters | 04:55 | January 31, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. My Dear Satsvarupa, Please accept my blessings. I have received your letter dated January 28, 1969 regarding Jadurani's sick health. She requires complete rest. All of her work should be suspended, and she should be given liquid foods, just like barley water mixed with milk. Purchase pearl barley from the market, and the recipe is 1 cup of barley and four cups of water to be boiled for at least 1.2 hour. That liquid preparation may be mixed with milk and sugar, and she may take. Jadurani must not exert herself in any way. She should take complete rest and chant Hare Krishna. When she next wants to begin work, she must take my permission. For the time being, all work must be suspended. Regarding your letter dated January 25, 1969, I have already sent to you tapes #2 and #3. As an experiment, I sent tape #3 by ordinary mail at the concession rate for tapes. Please let me know when this tape #3 has reached you. If it does not arrive too late then we can continue to exchange in the mail at this postage rate of five cents. You do not require to send finished tapes to Dinesh. Please send them directly to me. I think that work on the pictures shall remain suspended for the time being. Altogether I have received four pictures for the Krishna book, and two pictures for the temple, one of My Guru Maharaja and one of Gaura Kisora das Babaji. Regarding the two missing verses of the third canto, I shall get them done conveniently. I hope that by this time Jadurani's health must have improved. Please convey my blessings to the others. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 04:45 | January 31, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. My Dear Vamanadeva, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of January 22, 1969, and I have noted the contents with care. First of all I am pleased to know that you are feeling comfortable in Hawaii and you are keeping yourself busily engaged. I am glad that you and Murari are working on my Vyasasana, and as soon as it is completed, you can call me there, and I shall go. I think that if I am to go to Hawaii, I must go there by March, because in April I have other engagements in Columbia and other places. I am pleased that you have been speaking to educationists and you are trying to introduce them to Krishna Consciousness. Try to introduce our Bhagavad-gita As It Is into every university and college in Hawaii. Along with Gaurasundara try to convince them that our publication is the best. This will be great service. If need be, the chief man in various departments of the colleges may be given a copy of Bhagavad-gita to go through and decide. In this way, try to introduce it into every college and University religious class and book department. Please convey my blessings to the others. I hope this will meet you in very good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Enclosures: 1 carbon copy of letter sent to your draft board. letters | 02:42 | 30 January 2005 Thursday, January 30, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. My Dear Brahmananda, Please accept my blessings. First of all I have to thank you for the desk pen with golden glories to Guru and Gauranga. It is so nice that I am using it with great pleasure, and you have the blessings of my Guru Maharaja and Lord Gauranga. Regarding the United Shipping Corporation, you had sent me some documents which I actually do not understand. Why did you send them to me? Anyway, I am returning them to you so you may do the needful with them. In the meantime, I have sent one letter to a gentleman of the United Shipping Corporation, and you will see one copy of the letter enclosed. If they deal very nicely, you may assure them we shall send more orders to our different centers, and there will be no difficulty for a letter of credit. But they must deal with us very nicely and straightforwardly so our business connection can continue with no difficulty. Our propaganda should be focused on spreading kirtana and distributing literature, books and magazines. The process experienced now is that after holding kirtana, they are selling magazines and books successfully. On January 1st, Hayagriva held one meeting in Columbia University with 60-65 students present, and after the meeting, 30 copies of Bhagavad-gita were immediately sold. So we should now organize in such a way that there shall be nice kirtana and attempt for selling our publications. My Guru Maharaja indicated that the mrdanga and the press are the mediums of our missionary propaganda activities, and we shall follow His path in the same way. We must have large quantities of mrdangas for vibrating in different parts of the world and we must distribute our literature also. I have received one letter from Hayagriva saying that he is prepared to invest money for a press, and he has found out a nice two-story house adjacent to our New Vrindaban colony, and the house is on the roadside. The rent is only $260 per year. That is about $22 per month. So in this way we can immediately start our press. I think that our publications should be done ourselves immediately, because neither MacMillan Company nor Dai Nippon can help us rightly. If MacMillan Company publishes our books, they will ask us to make contract for purchasing 5000 copies, which I cannot advise as good plan for us. If we have to exert our energy for selling 5000 books published by MacMillan, why not publish them ourselves on our own press and obtain profit for printing new books? The best thing will be therefore to organize sales of our books as other publishers are doing. The simple and approved method is to appoint at least 1000 stores and booksellers who agree to purchase at least three copies apiece of our books as soon as they are published. This means that if we have 1000 dealers, we can immediately sell 3000 copies, and this will give us sustenance for conducting our publication activities. I do not think it is a very difficult task to appoint such selling agents throughout the country. So yourself and Gargamuni should take charge of this organization, and for press management others shall take charge. In this way, if we can work on our publications, all of our poverty shall immediately be subdued. So think over this matter seriously. Immediately consult with Hayagriva for starting the press. Let us not bother about the Macmillan Company, because they will only try to make conditions that we have to purchase 5000 copies. Regarding Bhagavad-gitas which we have already received from them, I understand that we have to pay one mature bill on February 10th. So this bill we have to pay to keep our credit, whether the books are sold or not. But we should not place a second order until our present stock of books are finished. If you are in need of hard covered editions, try to order them without taking more soft covered copies which can not immediately sell. We have prepared to take delivery from them of 5000 copies, and this we shall do. But we shall order only as our stock is finished. Regarding the second shipping from United Shipping Corp., you should have it sent also to New York. Firstly you may see the kholes before ordering the preferred instrument. I hope this will meet you in very good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami P.S. The Press cutting sent by you is very nice. Every other organization has demand for money for their bogus classes but we don't demand any money. People should know this difference. I can challenge to all the other organizations that they are all bogus from spiritual point of view. I am admitted as Permanent Resident as "Ordained Minister of Religion". I have duly received the card. Now you shall pay me $500.00 for this because you were going to appoint some lawyer at the cost but I have obtained it simply by spending $35.00 or utmost $50.00. So you can pay me the balance. ACB letters | 06:11 | January 30, 1969 Los Angeles, Calif. My Dear Jayapataka, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letters of January 23, 1969, and I have carefully read the contents. For the present I think you cannot leave Montreal for doing work on your draft status. Your service is much too valuable there. Even if this means that in the future you cannot leave for the United States, what is the harm in this? Everywhere you are it is the same because Krishna is there, and you can perform devotional service anywhere you are. There is no need to be attached to any particular land on account of some mayic relationship. All places belong to Krishna, and wherever we get the chance for serving Him, that land is our God-gifted land. Anyway, you may write to your draft board and explain to them that you are studying to be a minister of Krishna Consciousness but you are at present unable to leave Montreal. When your duties are not so much needed in Montreal you will come to the United States to resume your attempts. Write to them in this way, and let us see what is their response. Regarding your question about the Brahma Samhita, there is no contradiction with the Bhagavad-gita. If "direction" is not specifically mentioned in Bhagavad-gita it does not mean that Brahma Samhita is not authorized. Regarding the singing meter used by Narada Muni, anyone can utter it. You have asked about the specialness of the month of Karatieya, and the answer is that is is a special inducement for persons who are not in Krishna Consciousness to perform some devotional service. For persons who are doing nothing in Krishna Consciousness, it is an indirect inducement to take to devotional service in earnest seriousness, every moment is Karatieya. In this connection, there is a good example that sometimes a store gives special concession to attract new customers. But for those who are already customers there is no need of a special sale. They will purchase at any cost if they know the import and value of the goods. Similarly, those who are pure devotees do not aspire for any concession, and out of spontaneous love try to engage themselves in devotional service 24 hours each day, 365 days every year, without any stoppage. So far as reading scriptures out loud, this depends upon the circumstances. If you can understand by reading silently, there is no need to read out loud, because this may make others feel disturbed. The mantra you have asked about which is mentioned in Brahma Samhita means the pastimes, Form and Qualities of the Lord with His Associates. Our mantras are never impersonal. When we meditate upon Hare Krishna we remember the Pastimes, Form, Qualities, etc., of Lord Krishna. Regarding the teaching at Sir George Williams University, if you like you may take charge, I have no objections. But if there is some one who may speak better at present, you should give him a chance. In either case, you should please try to introduce into every college and university our Bhagavad-gita As It Is. That will surely be a great service. The Bhagavad-gita is well read everywhere, and you need only to convince them that this is the best edition. [PAGE MISSING] letters | 03:58 | |
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