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Prabhupada Letters :: 1969 a.c. bhaktivedanta swami |
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![]() 10 December 2005 December 10, 1969 London, England My Dear Brahmananda, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letters dated December 4, 1969 and December 6, 1969. So far as transferring $1,400 to the account of ISKCON, I have done it immediately. The copy of the advice to the bank is enclosed. Please note down my account number there which is now transferred to the same branch on Broadway. So when convenient you also transfer in the same way so there will be no difficulty of exchanging money. Regarding the Franklin and Marshall College, as you have desired that it is a wonderful opportunity for me, so that I may be able to write in seclusion while my elderly students may manage the society affairs, that is a very welcome suggestion. So you can accept the proposal immediately. Besides that, I see that Professor Thomas J. Hopkins and the students of the college are very much eager to hear from me, so I must fulfill their eager desire, even there is some inconvenience. But I hope if I get a nice apartment with heating arrangement, there will be no inconvenience. I am also pleased to note that they are going to purchase my books, 30-35 sets. That is a great boon for us. If we can introduce our books in these colleges and universities, it will be great prestige for the society and myself also personally. So let us do this business as an experiment. Another thing, I have received a great complaint against the United Shipping Corporation regarding supplying goods to our Hawaii branch. So pending inquiry, you should not forward any order to them, and if you have got any money due from them, you should try to adjust by taking goods from them immediately. Regarding BTG, I am so glad that you are printing 50,000 copies henceforward. I have received also your press management report, so the only thing to be amended there is that all books especially must be twiced edited, once by Satsvarupa and once by Hayagriva. In every publication house all printing matters are edited at least three times. So we should be very much careful about grammatical and printing mistakes. That will mar the prestige of the press and the institution. In your previous letter you told me that Mr. C.L. Jaipuria visited our temple and he paid $10 as contribution and you also presented him with one TLC. Since then, did you write any letter to this gentleman? I know this gentleman has a charitable disposition of mind, and he can help us in so many ways. Try to keep in touch with him by sending magazines and writing letters. He may be able to supply us many things from India, especially Deities. Please offer my blessings to the others. I hope this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 05:55 | 9 December 2005 Tuesday, December 9, 1969 London, England My Dear Govinda Dasi, Please accept my blessings. I beg to thank you very much for your letter dated November 30, 1969. I have already acknowledged receipt of your very nice cloak, and yes, everything fits nicely. Regarding the Radha-Krishna Murtis, first of all, as you are searching out a permanent place, the best thing will be to install Them in that permanent place. It doesn't matter if it is on rent or purchased; but we must be confident that there will not be disturbance by some landlord on some flimsy grounds. In the meantime, you can construct a nice throne as you will see it on the pictures enclosed. I have got plans for going to Japan from Los Angeles, but in case I do not go, you shall be able to install the Deities. I shall send you the instructions how to do it, if this becomes necessary. In the meantime, just prepare the preliminary things. Regarding translation work, I am very glad that Monique is very enthusiastic, but I do not know French. I have consulted persons who know the French language, and they do not very much appreciate her translations. So what can I do? The best thing is that she may go on translating and send her articles to Montreal in care of Gopala Krishna Brahmacari. She may similarly contact Janardana at Damberg, 6 Rue Michelet, 94 Fontenay-s-Bois, FRANCE. For Brijbasi prints you may contact Acyutananda. Similarly you may contact him for other goods from India. All others have proved insincere. The case of the USC surely is deplorable. I have written them a very strong letter asking why this has happened. The best things will be to contact Acyutananda at the following address: Acyutananda das Brahmacari, 35 Satish Mukherjee Road, Calcutta-26, INDIA. When I hear from the USC, then we shall see what steps we should take to realize the cheating money. Please offer my blessings to the others. I hope this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 00:35 | December 9, 1969 London, England Manager FIRST NATIONAL CITY BANK 686 Broadway Branch New York, NY 10012 USA Dear Sir, RE: MY ACCOUNT #460688633 Kindly transfer $1,400 to the INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS, account #04489579 and debit my above account. Kindly send me the debit note and oblige. Truly yours, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 00:34 | December 9, 1969 London, England My Dear Hit Sharanji, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated 5th December, 1969, and my instructions for the points of your letter have already been explained in my letter to you dated 5th December, 1969. In case this letter has not safely arrived there, I am sending herewith a copy. Also, please find enclosed two invitation cards for the opening of our London temple: one is for you and one is for Sri. J. Dalmia. Please hand it over to him conveniently. I shall be hoping to hear from you soon. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami P.S. The brass deities must be packed securely in wooden box while shipping. letters | 00:32 | 8 December 2005 Monday, December 8, 1969 London, England My Dear Jaya Govinda, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 3rd, 1969. The descriptions given by you are very pleasing and nice. Kindly keep up the standard of your temple activities by mutual cooperation, and everything will come out successful and smooth. Krishna is giving you all help, and the more you serve Him, the more help will come automatically. You were in India, so you have seen our Godbrothers have hundreds of temples and Maths, and others also in India; everyone is nicely maintaining, depending on Krishna. Actually they have no fixed income, but as they serve the Lord, the Lord arranges everything. Therefore, our principle should be to serve nicely, and everything will be arranged by the Lord. Try to make your press department very nice. The magazine is already selling, and if you make further improvements, the sales will also improve. Just like our English BTG: from 5,000 copies they have increased to 25,000 copies per month, and they are going to increase the number of pages from 32 to 40 pages. Regarding the IBM typewriter, is this a composing machine or an ordinary typewriter? If you are able to take a composing machine, that will be very nice. So far as your plan for making Hare Krishna day-glow signs, that is very nice. Regarding your question about Krishna's associates, the principle is that all living entities are expansions of the Original Living Entity, Krishna. But there are different grades of living entities: Visnu Tattva and Jiva Tattva. Visnu Tattva is almost equal to the level of the Personality of Godhead, and Jiva Tattva is minute particles. So when Lord Caitanya appeared, Nityananda Prabhu and Advaita Prabhu were Visnu Tattva; whereas Gadadhara Prabhu and Srivas Prabhu were Shakti Tattva. Jiva Tattva is also within the Shakti Tattva. These things are explained in TLC and other of our books. Lord Nityananda is Balarama Himself, not an expansion of Him. Srila Narottama das Thakura has sung that the Lord who appeared as the Son of Nanda Maharaja has now appeared as the son of Sacidevi; and the same Balarama has appeared as Nityananda. This is the statement of Srila Narottama das Thakura. I hope this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 06:11 | December 8, 1969 London, England My Dear Sucandra, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated December 3rd, 1969, and I am very glad to learn that you are feeling very strongly for Jesus Christ. You have already mentioned the exemplary character of Lord Jesus Christ that he sacrificed everything for God. This example should be taken. The process should be to follow the example, not to imitate the exact activities. For example, Lord Jesus Christ wanted to preach amongst some persons who were practically against the principle of accepting God as the Supreme, and the result was that these people crucified him. At the present moment, the world situation is more dangerous than before. People have become actually Godless. So if you follow the footsteps of Lord Jesus Christ to preach God-consciousness against Godlessness and dedicate your life in that way, that will be the real purpose of following Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus Christ revealed that he was the son of God, and Krishna revealed that He is God Himself, the Supreme Father of all living entities. So if you dedicate your life to the service of Krishna, the Supreme Father, don't you think that Lord Jesus Christ will be pleased with this? At the present moment we have to preach in an enlightened society. So Krishna Consciousness has got inexhaustible treasurehouse of philosophy, logic and science to convince people about God-consciousness. So if you are actually serious about following the footsteps of Lord Jesus Christ, you should take advantage of the great philosophical background of this Krishna Consciousness Movement and make people God-conscious, dedicating your life. should try to make progress. One should not try to remain satisfied at a point which awaits further advancement. For example, the Commandment says "Thou shalt not kill." This means one should be non-violent. This is a good principle, but in the actual field, for want of sufficient knowledge, even this Commandment is being misinterpreted and misused. In the Bhagavad-gita you will find there are 20 items for advancing in knowledge. Perhaps you have read in the 13rd Chapter. Out of the 20 items, this non-violence items is one. But devotional service is so potent, that if one is engaged in devotional service to Krishna, automatically all good qualifications are there. Thus, from the practical point of view you can see the distinction between our disciples and any other group of religious faith. We do not indulge in illicit sex-life, which includes not to covet with another's wife or daughter; We do not eat meat, and that means automatically we are non-violent. We do not indulge in intoxication, and that means we are sane in considering things in their true perspective. You have asked to know what is the difference between Jesus Christ and Krishna. That we have several times explained in many meetings, that Krishna is God and Jesus Christ is the son of God. And as there is no difference between father and son, so there is no difference between Krishna and Lord Jesus Christ; but still the son is never equal to the father. So you have got advantage of reading our many books for advancement of knowledge. The best thing will be for you to engage your time more in Sankirtana Party and reading our Krishna Consciousness literature. You write that you loved the Deities some time ago, so why don't you love Them now? What is the reason? Let me know the reason how you liked to worship the Deities, and why you are not liking this now. Then I can explain the situation to you. The best thing is that whenever there are some doubts you should ask me or some senior student. We shall try to explain. But don't try to make any compromise and be agitated. I know you are a sincere boy, so try to understand everything very clearly. I hope this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 06:07 | December 8, 1969 London, England My Dear Kulasekhara, Please accept my blessings. I beg to thank you for your letter dated December 2nd, 1969. I am pleased to learn that things are going nicely there. Please follow the routine work as you are doing now and everything will be pleasing and smooth. That is sure and certain. Whenever there is doubt or question, just discuss this amongst yourselves, and if there is no satisfactory solution, you refer to me. But live in Krishna Consciousness. That will make you happy. I am very glad to learn that Visakha is fully engaged in taking care of the Deities. Please offer my blessings to her and try to behave with her as a very kind husband. She will be a very nice girl, helping you both materially and spiritually. She is a very nice girl. Regarding your questions about pujari, pujari means who will always be with the Deities. That is pujari. So far as the difficulty with bathing, you can heat up some water in the morning and wash yourself over with a sponge or a cloth.* That will be all right if there is no hot water for regular showers. Please offer my blessings to the others. I hope this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami *In special cases you can simply wash your hands and feet and change your dress washed. That will purify you. letters | 06:06 | 7 December 2005 Sunday, December 7, 1969 London, England My Dear Sridhara Maharaja, Please accept my humble obeisances. I hope you are keeping good health and everything is going well there. Srila Prabhupada desired that a temple should be established in the center of London, so you will be pleased to know this is going to take place on the Odansasthi Day, December 14th, in a 5-story house situated in the most important quarters of central London, in the vicinity of the British Museum and London University. It is very, very respectable quarters, and we have invited many hundreds of people, both Indians and Europeans, in this ceremony which will continue from the 14th till the 21st of December, 1969. I am submitting herewith our humble invitation for your blessings. Another point I beg to inform you is that His Holiness Yayabar Maharaja has got land in Ishodyan and he wants Rs. 10,000 for it. He says that he wanted to construct some Math, but for want of sufficient resources he could not do that, so now he wants to dispose of it. I have requested him to donate this land to our institution because the land was meant for some service to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Since he could not utilize it by constructing a temple or building there, I am prepared to do it for the service of the Lord and in pursuance of the desire of Bhaktivinode Thakura. If he donates that land to our institution, we can immediately invest Rs. 200,000 minimum for constructing a temple and home for the European and American students. I know Sripada Yayabar Maharaja always abides by your good advices. So if you think it is proper, you can advise him in the above manner so that we can fulfill the desire of Srila Prabhupada by mutual cooperation in the matter of discharging His Mission. I hope you will kindly understand me right and do the needful. Thanking you in anticipation. Yours in the service of the Lord, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 08:26 | December 7, 1969 London, England My Dear Tirtha Maharaja, Kindly accept my humble obeisances. I hope you are in good health and everything is going all right. You will be pleased to know that we are going to install Radha-Krishna Deities in our London temple on the Odansasthi auspicious day, December 14th. This 5-story building temple is situated in the central part of London, very respectable quarters, just a few steps from the British Museum and London University. One local devotee has donated Radha-Krishna Murtis, 42" high, and the installation ceremony will go on for one week. Herewith please find our earnest invitation card for your blessings. In this connection I beg to draw your attention to your letter to me dated February 14th, 1969, in which you assured me that I could expect some reply sometime afterwards. I am enclosing a copy of this letter for your reference. I am especially interested in the land which I asked from you within the vicinity of Caitanya Math. This is in pursuance of the desire of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakura and Srila Prabhupada. It is not for my personal use or satisfaction of personal whims. So if you would have given me a small piece of land within the vicinity of Caitanya Math, then I would not have tried to make these students home anywhere else. I hope this will find you in good health, and I am awaiting your reply with great interest. Yours in the service of the Lord, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 08:24 | December 7, 1969 London, England My Dear Aniruddha, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated December 2, 1969, and it is very encouraging that Saci Devi is coming. I know she is a very nice girl, so if you agree to marry her, then you must treat her very nicely so that you can live very peacefully. Our marriages are never meant for separation. You must live together very peacefully in all circumstances. Our Vamanadeva, after marriage, has opened a new center in St. Louis, and they are doing very well. So far as Hamsaduta is concerned, immediately there is no possibility of his leaving Berkeley center. It is a very important center, and as you say he is doing very well you require to stay there, husband and wife, and improve the center very magnificently. If you want to open a center, you are already experienced, and you should do it independently. Please continue to read the literature very attentively. Try to understand very soberly and you will feel ecstasy undoubtedly. The more we understand the spiritual literatures the more we become engladdened. Lord Caitanya has written ananda ambhudhi bardhanam. This means the ocean of bliss is always increasing. So continue to execute your duties with enthusiasm and patience, and I am certain Krishna will be pleased make you successful on all accounts. I hope this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 08:22 | December 7, 1969 London, England My Dear Hamsaduta, Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated November 28, 1969. I could not check my laughing when you have said so many things in bereavement for asking me to serve in the university. There is no question of bereavement. A child sometimes commits mistakes, and the father says "Don't do like this." So there is no question of being very seriously bereaved. There is a story that one man was very hungry, and he went to an unknown friend and asked him to give him some food. The man supplied him a little foodstuff, but he was not satisfied. His hunger was still there. So he asked the man for more food, and the man said there wasn't any. Then the hungry man inquired from the other man, "Which caste do you belong to?" The other man said, "I am Mohammedan." Then the hungry man said, "Oh, I have lost my caste, and still my belly is not satisfied." The idea is that if we have to accept some service, there must be proper remuneration. Otherwise, our free service is open in the temple. Anyone can come and take advantage. Generally in the universities they pay the teachers from $800 to $2,000 per month, so at least they must pay via media not less than $1,000 per month. Anyway, don't bother about it. Go on with your business. But I thought that I required some money for my Book Fund, so I could gather some money in this way. But this will not satisfy my hunger, so forget this incident. Now I am so pleased to learn that your Berkeley center is improving day by day under the good care of yourself and your good wife, Himavati. Please go on improving the condition of this important center until you have made it as good as Los Angeles center. Regarding the building, how much money do you have for a down payment? If you have at least $3,000, then I can ask some other centers to give you a loan for the balance so you can attempt to purchase the house. You say that it is a nice house, so if it is ours, we can decorate it very nicely for a good temple. Otherwise, we do not mind to stay in a rented house. When Krishna will give us opportunity, we shall purchase. Here in London temple we are going to install very big Deities on December 14th. The Deities are 42" high, made of first class marble imported from Jaipur, India by some devotee at the cost of about $400. He has donated it to our temple. Please go on with the school course. That is a very nice program. In Hawaii also they are doing that, and also in Seattle, Los Angeles, etc. this program is going on. So it is a good opportunity. Sankirtana Party on the streets, selling our literature, taking some opportunity for teaching students, and giving them nice Prasadam: This program should be followed very rigidly and things will come out very successful without fail. Regarding Citsukhananda, he needn't bother at present to translate into Spanish. Unless we have got branches in some country where the Spanish language is important, he should not divert his attention. Regarding the little boy named Jimmy and his mother, the mother may do work; just like sweeping, cleansing the temple, collecting flowers, making garlands, washing dishes, etc. The boy should be trained to be a nice brahmacari, but it is risky to keep a boy of this age away from the public schools. In your country the law is very strict to send such minor children to school. The best thing will be to send him to New Vrindaban to be taken taken care of by Kirtanananda, Ranadhira, Satyabhama, Syama Dasi and Paramananda. They are already taking care of some young boys who are there. They are trying to develop a school of our ideal in that place. So after some time, if the mother sticks to our principles, the child may be sent to New Vrindaban and she can remain in the temple and gradually be initiated. In the meantime, encourage her to read our literature and books, and be engaged in some service as above mentioned. Please offer my blessings to all of the other devotees in your Berkeley center. I hope this will meet all of you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 08:17 | 6 December 2005 December 6, 1969 London, England My Dear Steven Hebel, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your nice letter dated November 27, 1969 and have noted the contents. I am pleased to learn that you are regularly attending all of our classes and you are serving nicely in the New York temple. Continue on in this way and try to understand our philosophy as far as possible. Krishna gives assurance in the Bhagavad-gita that if one is very serious to perfect his Krishna Consciousness, then automatically, out of His Causeless Mercy, Lord Krishna gives such sincere soul the intelligence by which he can enter again into the Spiritual Sky. Actually, Krishna offers this intelligence freely to everyone, but only the fortunate persons will take to it. Unfortunate persons will speculate upon the words of Krishna and concoct some meaning according to their own sense gratification. But Krishna and His bona fide representatives are giving this knowledge freely to everyone. Now it is our duty to assimilate this knowledge and practice it. Just like the electric current is equal on all points of the electric system, but different light bulbs will take different amounts of energy. This depends upon the capacity of the bulb to accept the electric current. Similarly, the Lord is not partial to anyone, but according to one's sincere desire to render unalloyed devotional service, so will He respond to enlighten such devotee. So the way for you to increase the capacity of receiving Krishna's Mercy is to chant Hare Krishna regularly, at least 16 rounds per day, to associate with devotees of Krishna, and to follow the rules and regulations. In this connection Brahmananda and the others will be able to give you good guidance. My request to you is that you stick with this process sincerely, and I am sure Lord Krishna provide all facilities for your advancement. I shall be returning to Boston around the 21st of this month, and I hope you shall come to visit me at that time. Please offer my blessings to the others. I hope this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 06:38 | 5 December 2005 December 5, 1969 London, England My Dear Hit Sharanji, Please accept my blessings. I thank you very much for your letter dated November 24, 1969. You need not send the Murtis by air cargo to London because some devotee here has contributed a Radha-Krishna Murti pair imported from Jaipur. It is 42" high and very nice. So Krishna has saved us in this point because we are going to have our opening ceremony on the 14th December through the 21st of December. But if one pair is ready, you can immediately dispatch by ship to Boston as previously advised. From here I shall go to Boston, and if the Deities reach there timely, then I shall install them there also. I think in my previous letter the instruction was to dispatch one pair to Boston, so you can send the Deities to some shipping agent in Bombay and they will forward to Boston. I hope this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 02:00 | 4 December 2005 December 4, 1969 London, England My Dear Sridama, Please accept my blessings. I was very much shocked to learn that you have again met with some motor accident on the way, and perhaps this is the second time you have broken your leg. So I do not know why such things are happening. Anyway, whatever calamities happen we should take it as Krishna's blessings, as a token punishment for our past misdeeds. That is the observation of a devotee. Whenever he is put into a dangerous position, he takes it as a blessings of Krishna, and the opportunity is used for remembering Him very strongly. So you are now in the hospital, and you have good opportunity for chanting. Do it nicely. I understand you are eating Prasadam from the temple. That is all right. By Krishna's Grace everything will be all right. Don't be worried. Chant Hare Krishna, and when you come out from the hospital let me know. I hope this will meet you, by Krishna's Grace, in improved condition. Your ever well-wisher, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 06:08 | December 4, 1969 London, England My Dear Bhadra Bardhan, Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 23, 1969 and have noted the contents. I am pleased to learn that the Columbus center is improving gradually and now you have begun to perform plays for the guests at the Sunday feasts. In one way or another you should always be engaged in Krishna Consciousness. This will protect you from the onslaughts of the material nature. Regarding your question about items being used in Krishna's service becoming spiritual, you should understand it that anything which will remind one of Krishna is spiritual, and anything which will make one forget Krishna is material. Actually, everything is of spiritual nature because everything is coming from the Ultimate Source, Krishna. But when something is offered to the Lord or when it is used in His service, then it resumes its spiritual quality because it will remind one of Krishna. Therefore, even though such object may not have consciousness, it will act as spiritual. It is just like when an iron rod is put into the fire: the rod has not actually become fire, but it will act in just the same way as fire. Regarding your question about the Brahmajyoti, it is explained in Bhagavad-gita that the impersonal Brahman effulgence is emanating from Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The brahmajyoti is just like the sunlight, which emanates from the Sun God: Because the sunlight has no personal form, this does not mean that the Sun God has become impersonal. You have seen in pictures of Lord Krishna that there is a nice effulgence coming forth from His body. This effulgence is the Brahmajyoti, and it is pervading throughout the entire spiritual and material manifestation. But above this Brahmajyoti is the Supreme Source of everything, Lord Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. I hope this important point is clear to you now. Please offer my blessings to Jaya Gopala and the others. I hope this will meet you in good health. Your ever well-wisher, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami letters | 06:06 | |
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