Prabhupada Letters :: 1969
a.c. bhaktivedanta swami

26 May 2005
May 26, 1969  

New Vrindaban

My Dear Gaurasundara,

Please accept my blessings. I am so glad to receive your letter dated 21 May, 1969 which is full of encouraging news.

I am now hopeful of the Hawaii center being improved like other centers by your good efforts. Last year when we were in San Francisco I practically pushed you towards Hawaii, and by the Grace of Krishna you are now finding some hopes. So continue your efforts, and Krishna will surely make your efforts successful.

I am very much concerned to learn that Govinda Dasi is sick. Of course, she is always sick; that is general experience, but I do not know why she should be sick in Hawaii. The weather is not cold there, and when I was in Hawaii she had improved her health. Anyway, take care of her as far as possible and depend on Krishna. Everything will be all right.

I think by this time Sudama has joined you, because I had advised him so and he has also sent his letter that he is joining you at the temple. Similarly, Balabhadra and Jayasri are there, as well as Vamanadeva, so you can do everything very nicely. Krishna will help you all.

I think Hawaii is a good place; the people are interested and they are beginning to come. So you may make Hawaii New Navadvipa. Hawaii is already dvipa (island), so you make it into Navadvipa.

I hope this will meet you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

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